| ![]() MIL-F-l4252( AR)
3.2. 15.1 Unit replacement. - The equipment shall be designed for
ease of maintenance by providing for unit replacement of small
electronic assemblies such as amplifiers, voltage regulators,
Wherever practicable, each
IF strips, and similar assemblies,
Internal assembly having electrical circuits which are designed
for removal from Its associated enclosure shall be provided with
plug and sack connections or connectors. Means shall be pro-
vided for their proper alignment; alignment devices shall be
self centering to permit ready engagement of parts; the exposed
plug contacts shall be deenergized when the connectors are
3.3 Method of design.- The means and methods of executing the
design and development of fire-control instruments may be deter-
mined by the contractor, but the obligation rests with the con-
tractor to satisfy the contracting officer as to full compliance
with the requirements of the contract and specifications. In
all phases of the study, design and development of fire-control
materiel to be directly operated by military personnel, the
contractor will be expected to utilize the full or part-time
consultation service of human engineering specialists In deter-
mining the existence of and solutions to problems In:
(a) space for operator s stations and the arrangement
and design of controls.
(b) design of' visual displays and other means of supply-
ing information.
safety features.
environmental conditions such as illumination noise
level, vibration, temperature and ventilation.
(e) utilization of skills already existent in available
The contracting officer shall provide a list of apprOved sources
for such services. Upon request additional sources shall be ap-
proved by the contracting officer. The design and development
of pilot models shall be carried on In such a reamer as to
facilitate the transfer to subsequent manufacture on a product-
ion basis.
3.4 General responsibilties of the contractor,
Gages and test equipment.. - The contractor shall furnish all
gages ( subject to certifi ication by the Gage Branch of the Ordnance
District Which: has inspection cognizance), templates, dies$ jigs,
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