| ![]() MIL-F-14252( AR )
Application of corrosion inhibitors to the faces of
each of the dissimilar metals such as zinc chromate
paste on nickel-plated brass screws in contact with
Design of dissimilar metal or similar metal contacts
so that the area of the cathode metal is relatively
smaller than the area of the anodic material such as
screws of stainless steel or nickel plated brass in
contact with aluminum.
Limitation of amount of aeration reaching the dis-
similar metal surfaces such as steel bolts in alumin-
um with all surfaces of contact sealed with zinc
chromate primer, vinyl films, or equivalent.
Any other systems of protection which are designed to
prevent electrolytic corrosion shall be subject to the
approval Of the contracting officer.
. Ratings and derated values of parts and mater-
3.6.3 Ratings
ials shall be exceeded when the equipment is subjected to
specified service conditions (see 3.2) . Derating methods de-
scribed by applicable specifications or standards shall be used.
Optical components for fire-control
3.6.4 Optical components. -
instruments shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-O-
Optical glass shall be in accordance Optical
with Specifi cations AN-G-174 and DD-G-451.
adhesive.- Adhesive for cementing optical ele- optical
ments shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-A-3920.
3 . 6 . 5 Friction drives and stops.- The necessary friction drives
and stops shall be incorporated In mechanisms and so adjusted
that no amount of incorrect operation, short of wilful breakages
All friction handwheels shall be
can damage the mechanism..
arranged so that it is impossible to grasp the friction elements
and render them inoperative Detents shall be provided -- where
on adjusting and spotting controls to prevent feed-
or setting.
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