| ![]() MIL-p - 14252 (
AR )
in a tapped hole In the chassis or frame, or shall be held in a
through-hole by a nut. When the chassis or frame is of steel,
the metal around the screw hole shall be plated or tinned to
provide a corrosion-resistant connection. When the chassis or
frame Is of' aluminum or magnesium, the metal around the screw
hole shall be masked when the chassis or frame is given a pro-
tective finish prior to assembly or the finish around the
screw hole shall be removed after finish aPPlication~
3.11 .14.12.2 Shielding on wire and cable. - Shielding on wire or
cable shall be grounded to he chassis or frame as specified in
the above paragraph and shall end at a sufficient distance from
exposed conductors to prevent shorting or arcing between the
conductor and the shielding. Identification of wiring. - Wires shall be identified
bY color ceding and by use of wire markers. The same color cod-
ing and Identification markings shall be used throughout any cir-
cuit for all items in the contract. Color coding for chassis
wiring of electronic equipment shall conform to Standard MIL-
STD-122. Where wire markers are used, the insulation shall con-
form to type F, grade A, form U, color yellow, class 1, category
1 of Specification MIL-I-631. These markers shall be approxi-
mately 1/2 Inch in length and of an inside diameter to fit
snugly over the wire. Where stamped markings on terminals are
specified, wire markers shall be substituted. Reference desig-
nationons used on wire markers shall be In accordance with Stand-
ard MIL-STD-16.
3.11.15 S o l d e r ,
flux, and soldering
Soft solder.- Unless otherwise specified, only rosin
3 . 1 1015. Z
core solder conforming to composition SN60 of Specification
QQ-S-571 shall be used.
3.11 .15.2 Flux and cleaning agents. - Flux for soldering shall
be rosin or rosin and alcohol. NO acid or acid salts shall be
used in preparation for or during soldering; however, exception
is permitted .`or preliminary tinning or soldering of mechanical
points not used to complete electrical circuits, but in no case
shall acid or acid salts be used where they can come in contact
with insulating material. Where acid or acid salts are used,
aspermitad ove, they shall be completely neutralized and
reserved immediately after use.
3.11 .15.3 soldering. - Soldered connections shall be neat. There
shall be no sharp points or rough surfaces resulting from insu--
fficient heating. The solder shall feather out to a thin edge,
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