| ![]() MIL-F- 34252 ( AR)
4.2.7 Installation of equipment.- The equipment shall be in-
stalled in the chamber in a manner similar to its actual use
in service. Plugs,< covers and inspection plates used in ser-
vice shall remain in place. When electrical or mechanical con-
nections are not utilized, the connections normally protected
in service shall be adequately covered.
4.3 Test procedures.- In each test procedure the conditions
of the test are stated. Because of the complexity of fire-con-
trol materiel, it has been necessary to include more than one
procedure for some tests. The applicable test procedure s~all
be as specified in the contract or detail specification.
LOW temperature
1/ Tolerances om the equipment generating the vibration shall
not exceed 10 percento
2/ Thermal stablization has been reached when the temperature
of the largest internal mass centrally located of the equip-
ment does net vary more than 1 C from the ambient temperature.
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