| ![]() MIL-F -l4252 ( AR )
the ambient temperature maintained at plus 51C (}125F) , and
the equipment subjected to this radiation for a period of 4 hours.
The equipment shall then be placed in operation and shall be
capable of meeting the specified requirements of the detail speci-
fication e Procedure III - Transient effect, solar radiation.-
The purpose or this test is to determine t he transient th ermal
effects due to solar radiationo The equipment is subjected to
a controlled ambient temperature conforming to condition E or G
of Table XVI as specified. 360 Btu\sq-ft\hr of solar radiation 11
is introduced at the top surface of the equipment until tempera-
ture distribution In the equipment is stabilized 2/. The tests
shall be wade at periodic intervals after subjection to solar
radiaticn as specified in the detail specification.
4.3.3 Temperature cycling Procedure I - Operational test.- The equipment shall be
conditioned in an air tem erature of minus 62C (-80 F) for a
period of 3 days. The air temperature shall then be raised 3/
tc a value conforming to the specified condition of Table XVI
until thermal stabilization 2 of the equipment Is reached at
which time the equipment shal4 1 be visually examined in accordance
with 4.2.3, operated at specified conditions, and the results
compared with data obtained in 4.2.2. The temperature of the
air shall then be raised to plus 71 C (\160 F) until thermal
stabilization is reached by the equipment and allowed to remain
at that temperature for a period of 4 hours. The air temperature
shall then be reduced to plus ~lC (\125F) until thermal stabili-
zation of the equipment is reached. Solar radiation 1/ of in-
tensity of 360 Btu/sq-ft /hr shall then be introduced at the top
surface of 0the equipment with the ambient temperature maintained
at plus 51 C (/l25W), and the equipment subjected to this radia-
tion for a period of 4 hours. The equipment shall then be placed
in operaticn and shall be capable of meeting the performance re-
quiarments of the detail specification. This cycle shall be re -
peated 5 times or as specified in the detail specification.
1 / .o1 ar radiation shall ccnsist of 5O-60 percent of the total
energy in wavelengths above
7 6O O A and 45.6.o percent. in
wavelengths below 3800 A and the balance in visible light.
2/ Thermal stabilizaticm has been reached when the temperature
of the largest internal mass centrally located of the equip-
ment does not vary more than l from the ambient temperature.
3/ Start of cycle.
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