| ![]() MIL-F-20420J(AR)
nearest .0001 gram. A 1.00 gram sample when dissolved and diluted
to a liter will have a theoretical concentration of 1,000
Dissolve in a minimum volume of one to one
citric acid. Cool and make proper dilutions to obtain a working
range of 20 micrograms/milliliter. Run the analysis according
toprocedure outlined in Analytical Methods for Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer - Perkin - Elmer, Revision March 1971 (or
The percent of magnesium shall be calculated as
A = Reading of the unknown.
B = Theoretical Mg. content of illuminant or ignition
C = Reading of the standard.
Instrument settings:
A. Wave length -285-UV, Slit setting 4; Light source -
hollow cathode lamp (use the current indicated on the lamp label or
instruction card for Model 403).
B. Oxidant - Air.
C. Fuel - Acetylene.
4. Sodium nitrate.
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Method. Preparation of standard. Prepare a stock standard
solution of 1,000 micrograms per milliliter of sodium by dissolving
2.542 grams of sodium chloride in one liter of dionized water.
4.5. Procedure. Using the same master solution from, perform the following operations: Make the proper
dilutions to obtain a working range of the standard and sample in
the 19-21 micrograms per milliliter range. Since sodium is
partially ionized in the air acetylene flame, it is necessary to add
another alkali to the standard and sample to nullify the effects of
This may be done by adding 0.2 grams of potassium
nitrate to each 100 milliliters of the standard and sample. The
anlysis shall be run according to the procedure outlined in
Analytical Methods for Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer - Perkin -
Elmer, Revision March 1971 (or equivalent). The percent of sodium
shall be calculated as follows:
A = Reading of the unknown
B = Theoretical percent of sodium nitrate of mix.
C = Reading of the standard.
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