| ![]() MIL-F-20627B
concerned. The method is, in general, the ASTM
(2) Filter pads, glass fiber, Number 934-
Committee D-2 "Proposed Method of Test for
AH Reeve Angel 2.4 centimeter discs
to fit a Number 4 crucible similar to
Particulate Matter in Hydrocarbons".
Fisher Scientific Company Catalogue Test
procedures. -
Number 9-873.
(3) Tri-solvent composed of equal parts of
particle free benzene, acetone and Flow rate. - Fuel shall be circu-
lated through the test apparatus including the test
(4) Standard laboratory equipment for
filter case without elements until aanalysis of
filtering, drying and weighing.
effluent samples shows that the system contami-
(b) Preparation. - Preparation shall be as
nation is less than 1 milligram per liter. One
class 2 or two class 1 elements shall be installed
follows :
(1) Tri-solvent. - Render particle free by
in the test filter case. The cleaned diesel fuel at
filtering through a crucible containing
F. shall be
a temperature of between 90 and
two glass fiber pads.
circulated through the system at a constant rate
(2) Crucibles. - Wash with hot water and
of 50 g.p.h for a period of 30 minutes. One-
detergent, acid clean, rinse with
liter effluent samples shall be taken immediately
tap water followed by three rinsings
after the flow rate has been established, at 5
with distilled water and dry. Place
minutes, 10 minutes, and at 30 minutes. Circu-
two filter pads in the crucible and cen-
lation of the fuel shall be continued at flow rates
ter by tapping crucible. Mount cruci-
from 25 to 200 g.p.h. in increments of approxi
ble on a filtering flask and wet pads
mately 25 g.p.h. and the corresponding pressure
with a few drops of tri-solvent. Apply
drops shall be measured and recorded
slight vacuum and lightly tap down the
ability. - Two filtering Filtering
edges of the filter pads using a stirring
ability determinations shall be made under the test
rod with a smooth round end (Caution-
conditions shown in table III. A fresh flow-rate-
Do not tap with tweezers or sharp edged
Instrument as pad is easily punctured).
tested class 2 (or two class 1) element(s) shall be
used for each determination.
Using slight vacuum wash pads by
filtering three portions of tri-solvent.
Table III - Filtering ability determination
Dry in oven for 1 hour at 220 F, place
in dust free cabinet, cool for 1 hour
and weigh to nearest 0.1 milligram.
When a double pan balance is used a
similarly prepared crucible may be
used as a tare.
(c) Procedure. - Procedure shall be as
(1) Decant the fuel sample through a pre
water is added, a volume equal to the
pared and weighed crucible using a
amount of water added shall be withdrawn from
vacuum of about 18-20 inches Mer-
the filter case each 30 minutes and discarded.
cury (Hg) below atmosphere. If
necessary tap edges of filter pad with
stirring rod after adding first few
Solids addition rate shall be maintained at plus or
minus 1 percent of specified rate. Fuel tempera-
milliliter (ml) of fuel. Police sides
ture shall be maintained between
and bottom of sample flask during
The relet pressure to the filter case shall be main-
recantation of last 50-100 ml of
tained at 25 1 p.s.i. Fuel temperature differen-
fuel Measure and record the size
of sample filtered. Wash the sides
tial pressure across the element(s) and fuel flow
rate shall be recorded each 10 minutes. Solids
and bottom of the sample flask three
times with tri-solvent and filter the
content of the fuel at the start of the test shall not
washings Reduce the vacuum to
exceed 1.0 milligrams per liter One-liter eff-
luent samples shall be taken at 10 minute intervals
about 2 inches Hg below atmospheric
during the first hour and at 30 minute intervals for
and wash the pad three times, filling
the remainder of the test. The test shall be con-
the crucible with the solvent on each
tinued until 200 grams of solids have been added or
washing. Dry and weigh using a tare.
until an element failure has occurred prior to the Alternate method of sample analyses -
addition of the required amount of solids.
Samples may be analyzed for solids content by filter-
4.5.5 Differential pressure test (element). -
ing through an AA Millipore filter, drying and weigh-
One class 2 or two class 1 element(s) shall be
ing when specifically approved by the bureau or agency
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