| ![]() MIL-F-20627B
bustion engines. O t h e r applications such as hydraulic
specification intermediate fiber boxes conforming to
systems, and so forth shall be approved by the bureau
ppp-B-636, closed, sealed and banded as specified
or agency concerned.
herein and used as the shipping container need not be
6.2 Ordering data. - Procurement docurnents
5.2.2 Level B. -
should specify the following. Filter assemblies of one type packaged as
(a) Title, number and date of this specifi-
specified shall be packed in domestic type wood cleated
fiberboard, nailed wood, wirebound wood, cleated ply-
(b) Types and classes required (see 1.2)
wood or woodcl eated veneer paper overlaid boxes con-
(c) Selection of applicable levels of preser-
forming to PPP-B-591, PPP-B-621, PPP-B-585, PPP-
vation, packaging and packing required
B-601 or PPP-B-576, respectively at the option of the
(see 5.1 and 5. 2).
contractor. Box closure shall be as specified in the
applicable box specification or appendix thereto. The
6.3 With respect to products requiring qualifi -
gross weight of wood or wood cleated boxes shall not
cation, awards will be made only for such products
exceed 200 pounds.
as have, prior to the time set for opening of bids,
been tested and approved for inclusion in Qualified Elements of one size, packaged as specified
Products List 20627 whether or not such products
shall be packed in domestic type wood cleated fiber-
have actually been so listed by that date The
board, nailed wood, wirebound wood, cleated plywood
attention of the suppliers is called to this require-
or wood cleated veneer paper overlaid boxes or class 2
ment, and manufacturers are urged to arrange to
fiber boxes conforming to PPP-B-591, PPP-B-621,
have the products that they propose to offer to the
PPP-B-585, PPP-B-601, PPP-B-576, or PPP-B-636,
Federal Government tested for qualification, in
respectively at the option of the Contractor. Box clo-
order that they may be eligible to be awarded con-
sure shall be as specified in the applicable box specifi-
tracts or orders for the products covered by this
cation or appendix thereto. The gross weight of wood
specification. The activity responsible for the
or wood cleated boxes shall not exceed 200 pounds, fiber
qualified products list is the Bureau of Ships,
boxes shall not exceed the weight limitations of the
Department of the Navy, Washington 25, D. C. ,
applicable box specification. Intermediate fiber boxes
and information pertaining to qualification of pro-
conforming to PPP-B-636, closed as specified herein,
ducts may be obtained from that activity. Appli-
and used as the shipping container need not be
cation for Qualification tests shall be made in
accordance with "Provisions Governing Qualifi
cation" (see 6. 4).
5.2.3 Level C. - The filter assemblies and the
filter elements, packaged as specified shall be packed
6.4 Copies of "Provisions Governing Qualifi-
in containers which will insure acceptance by common
cation"' may be obtained upon application to
carrier and safe delivery at destination at the lowest
Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot, 5801
applicable rate. Shipping containers shall comply to
Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia 20, Pennsylvania.
the Uniform Freight Classification Rules or other car-
rier regulations as applicable to the mode of transpor-
Notice. - When Government drawings, specifi-
cations, or other data are used for any purpose
other than in connection with a definitely related
5.3 Blocking and bracing - Blocking and bracing
Government procurement operation, the United
within the shipping container shall be in accordance
States Government thereby incurs no responsi-
with JAN- P-100.
bility nor any obligation whatsoever. and the fact
that the government may have formulated, fur-
5.4 Marking. - In addition to any special marking
nished, or in any way supplied the said drawings,
required by the contract or order, interior and ex-
specifications, or other data is not to be regarded
terior shipping containers shall be marked in accord-
by implication or otherwise as in any manner
ance with MIL-STD-129.
any other person or cor-
licensing the holder
poration, or conveying any rights or permission
to manufacture, U Se, or sell any patented in-
vention that may in any way be related thereto.
6.1 Intended use. - Filter assemblies and filter
elements are intended for installation on internal com-
Preparing activity.
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