| ![]() MIL-F-21572(Wep)
(2) 28 V DC Category "C" 0.7 Amps.
3. 2.13.1 Undervoltage Protection - The equipment shall not be damaged by voltages be-
low the minimum specified herein and shall automatically resume normal operation when the
voltage returns within limits,
3.2.14 Standby Provisions - The equipment shall provide for a standby position whereby
rated voltage shall be applied to all tube filaments. Except for the associated filament circuits,
voltages shall not be applied to other parts of the equipment.
3.2.15 Continuity - The circuitry of the equipment shall conform to the applicable wir-
ing diagrams.
3.2.16 Insulation Resistance - The electrical circuits of the equipment shall have an
insulation resistance of at least five (5) megohms at 500 volts rms, 60 cycles per second,
when measured between the housing and the isolated circuits, and between each and every
isolated circuit.
3.2.17 Dielectric Strength - All electrical circuits in the equipment which are ungrounded
and required to be insulated from each other shall be capable of withstanding 500 volts rms,
60 cycles per second, at room temperature and humidity for a period of ten-(lO) seconds when
this voltage is connected between each isolated circuit and the housing.
3.3 Performance -
3.3.1 General - Unless otherwise specified, values set forth to establish the require-
ments for satisfactor y performance apply to performance under both standard and extreme
service conditions. When reduced performance under the extreme conditions is acceptable,
tolerances or values setting forth acceptable variations from the performance under the
standard conditions will be specified.
3.3.2 Standard Condition Performance Requirements - Under standard conditions
(see 3.2.10), the equipment shall provide the adjusted and regulated outputs specified in
Table I.
3.3.3 Service Condition Performance Requirements - Under service conditions
(see 3.2.11), the equipment shal1 provide the adjusted and regulated outputs specified in.
Table L The tolerances given in the table shall be modified as follows:
(1) Each channel frequency shall remain within 1.6 percent of the center
value given in the table.
(2) The regulated output voltage for each individual channel shall be
12 (+2, -3) volts mm.
(3) The regulated output voltages supplied by combinations of channels.
shall be within 35 percent of the center value given in the table.
(4) All other voltage tolerances shall be as indicated in the table.
3.3.4 Thermal Delay Relay - The thermal delay relay K1208 shall operate within
30 8 seconds after the application of 115 10 volts, 400 20 cycles, to pins m, f, and g of
3.3.5 Speed of Response - The release pulse circuit shall provide the voltages
measured at pin B of J1202 within 20 milliseconds after + 28 volts d-c is applied to pin B of
J1 204. The output voltage shall remain on pin B of J1202 approximately 1.0 second after re-
moval of the + 28 volts d-c.
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