| ![]() MIL-F-24664(SH)
Reduce Perform the filtration ratio test as specified in 4.7.4.
flow to 15 gal/min and stabilize downstream count as specified in before
Run time average filtration
restarting the contaminant injection fluid flow.
differential in conformance with
ratios to 30
efficiency ratios shall be as specified in 4.7.4 and reported for 3 and 5
micrometer particle sizes.
Sample packages and packs, and the inspec-
Inspection of packaging.
tion of the preservation-packaging, packing and marking for shipment and storage
shall be in accordance with the requirements of section 5 and the documents spec-
ified therein.
(The packaging requirements specified herein apply only for direct Govern-
ment acquisition. For the extent of applicability of the packaging requirements
of referenced documents listed in section 2, see 6.4.)
Preservation shall be level A or commercial as spec-
ified (see 6.2.1).
5.1.1 Level A. Each filter element shall be preserved and packaged by
one of the following methods:
(a) Each filter element shall be preserved in accordance with
MIL-P-116, method IA-13.
(b) Each filter element shall be inserted in a polyethylene bag fabri-
cated from material conforming to L-P-378, type I, class 1, thick-
ness 0.0040, and closed by heat sealing. The bag containing the
element shall be placed in a close- fitting box conforming to
Closure shall be in accordance
PPP-B-636, W6c, style optional.
The box
with method V of the appendix to the box specification
shall be sealed with tape conforming to PPP-T-60, type IV.
5.1.2 Commercial.
Commercial preservation shall be in accordance with
5.2 Packing.
Packing shall be level A, B, or commercial as specified
(see 6.2.1).
Level A. The filter elements shall be packed together in close-
fitting boxes conforming to PPP-B-601, overseas type, style optional. The gross
Strapping shall conform to
weight of each box shall not exceed 200 pounds.
Unless otherwise specified,
QQ-S-781, class I, type I or IV, size as applicable.
(see 6.2.1) strapping shall be finish B. When specified, strapping shall be
finish A.
5.2.2 Level B. The filter elements shall be packed together in close-
fitting boxes conforming to PPP-B-601, domestic type, style optional; PPP-B-640,
class 2, style optional; or PPP-B-636, V3c. The gross weight of each box con-
forming to PPP-B-601 or PPP-B-640 shall not exceed 200 pounds.
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