| ![]() MIL-F-24702(SH)
6.4 Definitions. The following definitions apply throughout this specifi-
6.4.1 Filtration ratio (beta,
Filtration ratio is the ratio of number
of particles greater than a given size (x) in the fluid entering the filter
element to the number of particles greater than the same size in the fluid
leaving the filter element.
6.4.2 Normalized capacity. Normalized capacity is the apparent capacity
divided by the rated flow gallons per minute of the element. The apparent
capacity is the actual weight (grams) of the contaminant injected into the filter
test system before the terminal pressure drop.
6 4.3 Rated flow.
The rated flow is the maximum flow at which the element
6.4.4 Terminal pressure drop. Terminal pressure drop is the maximum
pressure drop permitted across the filter element before a change is required.
6 4.5 Pressure drop.
Pressure drop is the difference in pressure across a
filter element.
6.5 Sub-contracted material and parts. The packaging or preparation for
delivery requirements of referenced documents listed in section 2 do not apply
when material and parts are acquired by the contractor for incorporation into the
equipment and lose their separate identity when the equipment is shipped.
6.6 Subject term (key word) listing.
Beta ratio
Bubble point
Collapse pressure
Element housing
Flow fatigue
Media migration
Preparing activity:
Navy - SH
(Project 4330-N046)
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