| ![]() MIL-F-26301F
4.4.14 Life (see 3.17). Flashers shall be subjected to a continuous operational life test. The load shall consist of
aircraft lamps of adequate number connected in parallel to provide a steady state current 100 5.0 percent of
maximum rated lamp load. Input voltage shall be rated source voltage. The first 30 percent of the life test shall be
conducted at the maximum rated ambient temperature and the last 70 percent of the life test shall be performed at
ambient room temperature. The test shall be conducted for the specified number of hours (see 3.1). At the
completion of the life test, flashers shall be tested to determine compliance with,,, and 4.4.3, as
applicable, except that rated input voltage and rated lamp load shall be applied (see 3.1).
5.1 Packaging. For acquisition purposes, the packaging requirements shall be as specified in the contract or order
(see 6.2). When actual packaging of materiel is to be performed by DoD personnel, these personnel need to contact
the responsible packaging activity to ascertain requisite packaging requirements. Packaging requirements are
maintained by the Inventory Control Point's packaging activity within the Military Department or Defense Agency, or
within the Military Department's System Command. Packaging data retrieval is available from the managing Military
Department's or Defense Agency's automated packaging files, CD-ROM products, or by contacting the responsible
packaging activity.
(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)
6.1 Intended use. Solid state flashers conforming to this specification are used for cycling aircraft navigation lights
on and off.
6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents must specify the following:
Title, number, and date of the specification.
Title, number, and date of the applicable MS standard or specification sheet and the complete MS Part
or Identifying Number (PIN) or specification sheet PIN.
Requirements for first article inspection (see 4.2).
Packaging requirements.
6.3 First article. When first article inspection is required, the contracting officer should provide specific guidance to
offerors whether the item(s) should be a preproduction sample, a first article sample, a first production item, a sample
selected from the first 13 production items, a standard production item from the contractor's current inventory (see
3.2), and the number of items to be tested as specified in 4.2. The contracting officer should also include specific
instructions in acquisition documents regarding arrangements for examinations, approval of first article test results,
and disposition of first articles. Invitations for bids should provide that the Government reserves the right to waive the
requirement for samples for first article inspection to those bidders offering a product which has been previously
acquired or tested by the Government, and that bidders offering such products, who wish to rely on such production
or test, must furnish evidence with the bid that prior Government approval is presently appropriate for the pending
contract. Bidders should not submit alternate bids unless specifically requested to do so in the solicitation.
6.4 Definitions.
6.4.1 Control power. Control power is considered the power which is used to produce the required cycling rate
and duration of power pulses to the lamp load.
6.4.2 Lamp power. Lamp power is the power which is switched on and off within the flasher and which energizes
the load (lamp).
6.5 Intermetallic contact. The finishing of metallic areas to be placed in intimate contact by assembly presents a
special problem, since intermetallic contact of dissimilar metals results in electrolytic couples which promote corrosion
through galvanic action. To provide the required corrosion protection, intermetallic couples are restricted to those
permitted by MIL-STD-889.
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