| ![]() MIL-F-2980E
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and publications required
by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be
obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting
3.1 First article. Requirements for submission of first article
shall be as specified in the contract (see 6.2). Unless otherwise speci-
fied (see 6.2), the first article shall include the pilot pack (see 5.1).
3.2 Materials, construction and design. Blank ammunition firing
attachments shall conform to the materials, construction and design re-
quirements specified herein, on drawings C3013015, C8412139, C7162790,
A5910570, C12002981 and C12002900 as applicable, and in MIL-W-13855.
3.2.1 Assembleability. Blank ammunition firing attachments shall
readily attach to and detach from the specified weapon or a fixture simu-
lating the specified weapon. When attached, firing attachments shall be
securely retained on a simulator fixture or the specified weapon.
3.3 Performance characteristics.
3.3.1 Functioning. When assembled to the applicable weapon, the
blank firing attachments shall permit the weapon to function properly.
There shall be no stoppages or malfunctions directly attributable to the
blank ammunition firing attachment. Testing shall be as specified in
3.4 Marking. Blank ammunition firing attachments shall be clearly
marked in accordance with the applicable drawing and MIL-W-13855.
Workmanship shall be in accordance with MIL-W-13855.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in
the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the per-
formance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as
otherwise specified in the contract or order, the supplier may use his own
or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection
requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The
Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth
in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure
supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements
Quality assurance terms
4.2 Quality assurance terms and definitions.
and definitions used herein are in accordance with MIL-STD-109.
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