| ![]() MIL-F-45060D (PA)
4.4.3 Testing
* Non-functioning of head assembly (see 3.4) -
Critical defect. - his test shall be performed 100 percent.
Head assemblies failing to meet the specified requirements
shall be classed defective and removed from the lot. The
test shall be performed as specified in 4.5.1 using equipment
In accordance with 4.4.4.
* Functioning of head assembly (see 3.5) - Major A
* Beginning with the first lot produced and con-,
timing until three (3) consecutive lots have complied with the
acceptance criteria specified three hundred and fifteen (315)
samples shall be selected from each lot and tested as specified
in 4.5.2 using equipment in accordance with 4.4. 4. If four (4)
or more assemblies fail to meet the specified requirement the
lot shall be rejected. (Non-destructive Test, acceptable parts
may be reassembled and returned to the lot.)
* After three (3) consecutive lots have met the
criteria of, one hundred and twenty five (125) shall
be selected and tested in accordance with 4.5.2 .- If two (2) or
more assemblies fail the lot shall be rejected.
*4.4.4 Inspection Equipment. - The inspection equipment
required to perform the examinations and tests prescribed
herein is described in the 'Paragraph Reference/Inspection
Method' column in the tables starting with paragraph
The contractor shall submit for approval inspection equipment
designs in accordance with the terms of the contract. See
Section 6 of MIL-A-48078, and 6.3 herein.
4,5 Test methods and procedures (See 6.5)
*4.5.1 Non-functioning of head assembly. - With all safety
pins removed, the head assembly shall be subjected to a 3.0 pound
minimum pull, applied at a rate of one foot, minimum, per minute
to the release pin. The pull shall be parallel to the axis of the
release pin. The head assembly shall be subjected to a 8.0 pound
minimum pressure, applied at a rate of one foot, minimum, per
minute to any one prong or equally distributed to all three prongs.
The pressure shall be parallel to the axis of the "head assembly
(see 6.5).
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