| MIL-F-46579D (Cont)
Raised metal protruding above the spherical surface shall be classed
as damaged if the maximum spherical diameter, measured across the raised
metal, is exceeded.
A booster holder which complies with the specified dimensional require-
ments shall be classed defective if there is visual evidence of web rupture
or perforation, as observed against an illuminated white background.
These dimensions apply at the apex of the full formed threads.
The assembly shall be classed defective if the nose cap turns on the
body under thumb and finger torque.
Thread deformity shall be classed as damage only if the assembly is
rejectable by the "Go" thread gage.
A sample unit having no firing pin, as determined by visual inspection,
or having a firing pin which does not move freely within the firing pin
guide hole, as determined by shaking and audible sound (or other approved
method), shall be classed defective.
4.4.4 Tests.-The tests listed in Table I shall be performed on each lot in
accordance with the applicable methods and procedures prescribed in 4.5.
The samples shall be selected in such a manner as to be representative of
the entire lot. The sample size and acceptance criteria for each test shall
be as specified.
Table I
Sample Size
Rotor detent spring 3.4
Corrosion resistance
Booster holder
Metal parts assembly
If four or more units of the sample fail to comply with the hardness
requirement, the lot shall be rejected. If two or three units fail to
comply with the requirement, a second sample consisting of the same number
of units as specified for the first sample shall be tested. If in the
accumulated samples five or more units fail to comply with the hardness
requirement, the lot shall be rejected.
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