| ![]() MIL-F-48067
6 . 4 S u b m i s s i o n o f F i r s t A r t i c l e S a m p l e s . - Instructions as to the lo-
cation for the evaluation of the first article sample shall be obtained from
the Contracting Officer.
Upon receipt of such request, the Contracting Of-
ficer shall advise Picatinny Arsenal and instructions will be issued accord-
Commanding Officer, Picatinny
ingly. All inquiries should be forwarded to:
Arsenal, ATTN: SHUPA-QA-A-F, Dover, New Jersey 07801.
6.5 Definitions
6.5.1 D e l a y M o d e . - The fuze mode of operation when the nose section,
spring and striker pin have been removed.
6.5.2 S u p e r q u i c k M o d e . - The fuze mode of operation when the nose sec-
tion, spring and striker pin are in place. All fuzes are shipped in this
6 . 5 . 3 B u n k e r T y p e T a r g e t . - A target that is or is the equivalent of a
28 foot wide by 20 foot high and 3 foot thick structure made of stacked round
logs of 5 inch minimum butt diameter in a suitable supporting framework.
6.6 S u b m i s s i o n o f T e s t D a t a . - In addition to normal distribution of
test data, two copies will b e towarded to Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, New
J e r s e y , A T T N : S M U P A - Q A - A - F and SMUPA-AD-F-E-4.
6.7 I n t e n d e d U s e . - It is intended that the iten of this specification
will be used in the 2.75 Inch Pocket.
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