| MIL-F-48235 (MU) Inspections to be performed. - The parts and
sub-assemblies will be subjected by the Government to any or
all of the applicable examinations and tests specified in 4.3.2,
4.3.3 and 4.3.5 of this specification and any or all of the
requirements of the applicable drawings. Rejection. - If any component or subassembly
fails to comply with any of the applicable requirements, the
finst article sample shall be rejected. The Government reserves
the right to terminate its inspection upon any failure of a
component or subassembly to comply with any of the stated re-
quirements. Firing Device Assemblies
4, Submission. - Thirty (30) test sets completely
packaged and sealed as required by the applicable drawings.,2 Inspection to be performed. - The 30 firing
device assemblies shall be subjected to the following tests
in the sequence indicated in addition to the inspection of
Air leak test (see 3.4) in accordance with the
method specified in 4.4.2.
b. Functioning at ambient temperature (see 3.5.1) in
accordance with the method specified in 4.4.3.
c, Functioning at cold temperature (see 3.5.2) in
accordance with the method specified in 4.4.3. Rejection. - if any firing device fails to
comply with any of the applicable requirements, the first
article sample shall be rejected. The Government reserves
the right to terminate its inspection upon any failure of the
test set to comply with any of the stated requirements.
4.3 Inspection Provisions
4.3.1 Lot formation. - The term "inspection lot" as used
in this specification is defined as an essentially homogeneous
collection of units of product from which a representative
sample is drawn and inspected to determine conformance with
applicable requirements. The sample selected shall represent
only that quantity of units from which the sample was drawn
and shall not be construed to represent any prior or subsequent
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