| MIL-F-48673 (AR)
3.2.5 Electrical power. The FCC-TTS shall receive power from
28 (+1, -6) volt, 16A maximum external power source. The FCC-FTS
internally converts the dc source voltage to +5v for the logic
supply voltage and -15v and +15v for the 400Hz reference circuit.
It also supplies 28 (+1, -6) volts to the FCC-FTS to be tested.
Overload protection of the 28 Vdc shall be provided by circuit
3.2.6 Physical characteristics. The Test Set shall be a
portable unit housed in a combination case to protect it from
adverse environment. The unit shall be self-contained and provide
storage for all cables and the instruction manual.
FCC-FTS weight shall be 54 pounds maximum. Weiqht.
3.3 Material process and parts.
Microelectronic devices shall
3.3.1 Microelectronic devices.
conform to MIL-M-3851O. Solderinq. All soldering shall be done in accordance
with MIL-S-45743 or MIL-S-46844. -
3.4 Electromagnetic radiation. The Test Set shall conform to
the BMI requirement of MIL-T-28800, Paragraph 3.9.12& for Class 4
equipment and MIL-STD-461.
3.5 Interchangeability. Interchangeability shall be in
accordance with MIL-STD-454, Requirement 7, and MIL-T-28800,
Paragraph 3.12.1.
3.6 Safety. Safety requirements shall be in accordance with
MIL-STD-28800, Paragraph 3.2 for Typ 1 equipment.
3.7 First article inspe ction o This specification contains
technical Provisions for first article inspection. Requirements for
the submission of first article by the contractor shall be as
specified in the contract.
3.8 Preconditioning (burn-in). Each FCC-FTS procured under
this specification shall be subjected to a burn-in test as defined
in Figure 3.
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