| ![]() MIL-F-48673 (AR)
3.9 Environmental conditions (first article testing only). The
FCC-FTS shall operate and meet the performance requirements of 3.2.1
under any of the environmental conditions, or a reasonable
combination of these conditions as specified herein.
3.10 Temperature/altitude.
3.10.1 Altitude. 0perating 8 O-lO,OOO feet; nonoperating and
storage O 0-10,000 feet.
operating, O to +55C; nonoperating and
3.10.2 Temperature.
storage, -62 to +85C.
3.10.3 Humidity. operation while being subjected to MIL-STD-81O
Qs modified by MIL-T-28800, Method 507.1.
3.10.4 Vibration. The FCC-FTS unit shall not sustain damage or
subsequently fail to provide specified performance when subjected to
the vibration environment defined by MIL-STD-81O, Method 514.2.
3.10.5 Shock. The FCC-FTS unit shall not sustain damage or
subsequently fail to provide specified performance when subjected to
shock as defined by MIL-STD-81O and MIL-T-28800, Method 516.2.
3.10.6 Handling. The FCC-FTS unit shall not sustain damage or
subsequently fail to provide specified performance when subjected to
a 4" drop to a wood surface.
The FCC-FTS unit shall not sustain damage
3.10.7 Transit drop.
or subsequently fail to prove specified performance when subjected
to a drop from 12" for a total of 26 drops.
3.10.8 Watertight requirement. The FCC-FTS shall not sustain
damage or subsequently fail to provide specified performance when
subjected to water submersion at 1.3 psi for 1 hour-
3.10.9 Salt atmosphere. Operation after being subjected to
MIL-STD-81O, Method 509.1. Operation of the FCC-FTS shall not be
required during testing and failure criteria shall be limited to
corrosion of finishes and metals only. Such corrosion shall be
defined as visible degradation of the equipment surfaces that can be
attributed to flakey, pitted, blistered or otherwise loosened
finish of metal surface.
3010.10 FUNGUS No evidence of viable fungus on any surfaces
after being subjected to MIL-STD-81O, Method 508.1.
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