| ![]() MIL-F-48673 (AR)
quality conformance inspection.
4.5.1 Performance inspection. Sample and tests. Each FCC-FTS in every lot shall be
subjected to the calibration procedure (Appendix A), and to the
tests in Table II and shall be examined visually for completeness,
improper assembly, and evidence of poor workmanship. Acceptance. Where any FCC-FTS fails to meet any
specified requirement the defective FCC-FTS shall be removed from
the lot and resubmitted only after all defects have been corrected. Test equipment. The test equipment listed in Table III
will be required to complete the functional performance and
environmental tests specified in this test procedure. The equipment
may be changed, at the discretion of the coqnizant test enqineerr
with equivalent or superior rated equipment when the specified
equipment is not readily available for the performance of the test.
The actual test equipment used during the performance of the
test shall be recorded on the applicable data sheets. The
nomenclature, type, model, and identification numbers shall be
recorded for each equipment used.
All measurements shall be made with instruments and test
equipment whose accuracy and calibration has been verified
periodically to meet MIL-STD-45662 requirements.
All instruments and test equipment shall be used in accordance
with the manufacturers approved procedures and recommendations.
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