MIL-F-48673 (AR)
The DMM shall indicate 9.9 to 10.1 VAC.
40. 3.3.5 S t e p 5 .
Adjust oscillator board R2 as required.
40.3. 3.6 Step 6. The electronic counter shall indicate 388 to
412 Hz. Adjust oscillator board R4 as required.
Simultaneously set both external power supply
40. 3.3.7 Step 7.
switches to off.
Disconnect test circuit of Figure 11 from
40. 3.3.8 Step 8.
test set.
It shall be
40. 3.3.9 Step 9.
Depress test set POWER switch.
extinguished .
Carefully replace test set panel in Step 10.
carrying case.
Seal unit in such a manner that unauthorized
40.3. 4.1 Step
entry may be rea dily detected.
40. 3.4.2 Step 2. Affix a calibration decal to the COBRA FCC-FTS
that reflects the calibration status and interval defined in the
Calibration Control System.