| ![]() MIL-F-50532A(MI) PETN (see 3.13.2) - Major defect - Code No. 27002.
The moisture content of the PETN shall determined for each lot at
the time of loading. A sample of 5 grams shall be selected and tested
as specified in 4.4.12. If the moisture content is in excess of the
percentage specified and loading has not begun, the lot of PETN shall be
rejected until proper corrective action has been accomplished as verified
by successfully repeating the moisture content test as specified. If
loading has begun, action on the unloaded PETN shall be as specified
above and all detonators loaded previously from the same lot of PETN
shall be rejected. The contractor shall maintain adequate records to
provide identification of the PETN used in the loaded detonators. Waterproofness and functioning of detonator assembly
(see 3.14 and 3.15). Detonator fails to function - Major defect -
Code No. 23009; Inadequate perforation of lead disc - Major defect -
Code No. 23010. A sample of 3.15 detonator assemblies shall be selected
at random from each lot and tested as specified in 4.4.13 using test
equipment as specified in 4.3.4. If threee or more assemblies fail to
comply with the requirements of 3.14 and 3.15, the lot shall be rejected.
If one or two defects are found, a second sample of 315 detonator
assemblies shall be selected at random from the same lot and tested
as above. If, in the combined first and second sample, a total of four
or more defects are found, the lot shall be rejected.
* Inspection for proper assembly of graze elements -
Locking shaft bearing improperly on graze lever - Major defect -
Code No. 14017. This inspection shall be performed 100% on each complete
base plate and rotor assembly (dwg. 9252817) after assembly of the
firing pin (dwg. 8796383), firing pin spring (dwg. 8796380) and base
plug (dwg. 9796384) and immediately prior to installation of cover assembly
(dwg. 9252816). Assemblies shall be examined in accordance with 4.4.14.
Defective shall be removed from the lot and subjected to repositioning
of the locking shaft. If the graze elements are removed or disturbed on
any assembly, the inspection shall be repeated prior to completing the
fuze assembly (dwg. 9252815).
4.3.4 Inspection equipment.
Equipment Tabulation ET-9252815
identifies the inspection equipment required to perform the examinations
and tests prescribed in this section. The contractor shall design
inspection equipment in accordance with the instructions in 6.3. Government rights to documentation. Inspection equipment
drawings and lists provided and revised in accordance with the requirements
of the ET may be used by DoD activities for design, procurement, manufacture,
testing, evaluation, production and receiving inspection, overhaul,
shipping, storage, identification of stock, ordering and storage of
replacement parts, inspection of items at overhaul, general maintenance
of equipment, construction, survey and whenever inspection equipment
drawings are needed.
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