| ![]() MIL-F-50994 (MU)
4.2.3 Rejection of first article sample. - If any fuze, sub-
assembly, or component fails to comply with the applicable require-
ments, the first article sample shall be rejected. The Government
reserves the right to terminate its inspection upon any failure of
a fuze, subassembly or component in the sample to comply with any
of the specified requirements. In the event of rejection, the
Government reserves the right to require the contractor to take
corrective action and submit a new first article sample or portion
thereof. Until a first article sample is accepted, the contractor
is in no way authorized by the Government to initiate regular pro-
duction unless otherwise directed by the contracting officer.
4.3 Inspection provisions
4.3.1 Lot formation. - The term "inspection lot" as used in this
specification is defined as an essentially homogeneous collection of
units of product from which a representative sample is drawn and
inspected to determine conformance with applicable requirements.
The sample selected shall represent only that quantity of units from
which the sample was drawn and shall not be construed to represent
any prior or subsequent quantities presented for inspection. Homo-
geneity shall be considered to exist provided the inspection lot has
been produced by one manufacturer, in one unchanged process, in
accordance with the same drawing, same drawing revision, same speci-
fication and same specification revision and complies with the pro-
visions for submission of product as specified in MIL-STD-105.
Changes to the process, specification, or drawing not affecting
safety, performance, interchangeability, or storage, as determined
by the Government, shall not be deemed to alter the homogeneity of
an inspection lot. All material submitted for inspection in accor-
dance with this specification shall comply with the homogeneity
criteria specified herein regardless of the type of sampling pro-
cedure which is being applied to determine conformance with re-
quirements. Lot numbering, as required, shall be in accordance
with MIL-STD-1168. Each inspection lot of loaded fuzes shall
a. Detonators from one interfix lot number from not more
than three lots from one manufacturer.
b. Primers from one interfix lot number from not more
than three lots from one manufacturer.
c. Metal parts from one interfix lot number from one manu-
d. Safety and arming devices from not more than two in-
spection lots. Process specification for plastic parts. - Prior to
the start of normal production, the contractor shall obtain appro-
val from the procuring activity for the process specification of
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