| ![]() MIL-F-50994 (MU) Fuze Body Assembly Seal Leakage (see dwg. 9254602) -
Major Defects - Code No. 22008. - The seal leakage test shall be
performed on a sample selected in accordance with MIL-STD-105
using Inspection Level II on an AQL of 0.40 percent. This
test shall be performed as specified in 4.4.17 using equip-
ment in accordance with 4.3.4. Testing of Anodic Coating. - The testing of anodic
coating shall be in accordance with MIL-A-8625 except that
panels shall not be used and Paragraph 4.3, "Lot" and 3.10,
"Detail Requirements" shall be deleted and the following sub-
Corrosion Resistance of Anodic Coating - Major Defect - Code
No. 20011. - The samples of nose caps for corrosion resistance
shall be selected in accordance with MIL-STD-105 using Inspec-
tion Level S-2. Lot size for each nose cap shall be of not more
than 40 hours of anodic production. If one or more of the sam-
ples fail the requirements, the lot shall be rejected. The sam-
ples shall be tested as specified in accordance with 4.4.6 using
equipment in accordance with 4.3.4. Components tested as speci-
fied shall be discarded as scrap. Detonator Push Test (see dwg. 9215617) - Major De-
fect - Code No. 15014. The sampling plan for this test shall be
in accordance with MIL-STD-105 using Inspection Level II and an
AQL of 0.40 percent. This test shall be performed as specified
in 4.4.7 using equipment in accordance with 4.3.4. Check Test for Deterioration of Detonators. - If the
total time between original acceptance of any detonator lot and
the assembly of that lot into the fuzes exceeds two years at any
time since previous tests, the detonator lot shall be subjected
to, and must satisfactorily pass, the functioning and output
tests specified in MIL-D-18665 immediately before the detonator
lot Is assembled into the fuzes. This test shall be performed
by the contractor on detonators selected by the Government In-
spector at the facility assembling the detonators into the ro-
tors. The test shall be conducted at Government expense without
cost to the contractor who loaded the detonators or the contract-
or who assembled the detonators into the fuzes. The test shall
not constitute a basis for rejection against either contractor
except where deterioration has occurred as a direct result of
carelessness in handling, storage, etc., permitted while the
detonator lot was under the jurisdiction of either contractor. Check Test for Deterioration of Primers. If the to-
tal time between original acceptance of any primer lot and the
assembly of that lot into the fuzes exceeds two years at any time
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