| ![]() MIL-F-50994 (MU) Non-Arming. - Critical defect - Code No. 15020. - This
test shall be performed to 100 percent just prior to insertion of S&A
into the fuze body. S&A's failing to comply with the specified
requirement shall be classed defective and removed from the lot.
The test shall be performed as specified in 4.4.12 using equipment
in accordance with 4.3.4. S&A position check - Critical defect - Code No.
22010. - The S&A position, after insertion into the fuze body but
prior to assembly of the booster housing, shall be inspected 100
percent. Any armed fuze shall be considered defective and re-
moved from the lot and the assembly operation shall be halted
until operation is corrected to Government satisfaction. The
inspection shall be performed to the requirements of 3.3.6 using
procedures in accordance with 4.1.2 and equipment in accordance
with 4.3.4. Defect standards with semi-armed and fully armed conditions
shall be introduced at various times to verify test performance
(see The Design Agency approved hanling procedure to
preclude untested S&A's from being introduced into the fuze prior
to the booster housing being installed shall also be assessed when
the standards are introduced. If an improper procedure is being
used as determined by the Government, all fuzes accepted subsequent
to the last acceptable handling procedure assessment shall be
screened as determined by the Government.
4.3,3,16 Jolt - Code No. 22011; Jumble - Code No. 22012 -
Critical defects - A sample of twelve (12) fuze assemblies shall be
selected from each lot and be subjected to the test as specified
in 4.4.15 using equipment in accordance with 4.3.4. If one or
more fuze assemblies fail to comply with the specified requirements,
the lot shall be rejected. Forty-foot
drop test - Critical defect - Code No.
22013. - A sample of four
(4) fuze assemblies shall be selected as
part of the First Article
Sample only. The fuze assemblies shall be
subjected to the test as
specified in 4.4.16 using equipment in
accordance with 4.3.4. Fuze Assembly Operational Tests (see 3.4.5).- A
random sample of forty-five (45) fuze assemblies shall be selected
for the Five Foot Drop Test as required in A random
sample of 315 fuze assemblies, in accordance with MIL-STD-105,
sample size M, shall be selected from each lot as the total combined
sample for the Non-Environment Test and the Functional Test.
Operability of the fuze assemblies in the Non-Environment Test and
the Functional Test shall be indicated by subjection to the tests
and acceptance or rejection criteria in Testing for
operability under and shall be us specified
in 4.4.13 and 4.4.14, the firing test shall be performed as specified
in 4.4.18 using equipment in accordance with 4.3.4.
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