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report and drawings by the cognizant agency, Rejection criteria. If any defect is
notice of authorzation of qualification tests
found in a sample the contractor shall:
and shipping instruction for the MIN and
(a) Determine the cause of the defect.
MAX samples will be forwarded to the manu-
(b) Take the necessary action to prevent
facturer. An additional copy of the test report
recurrence of the defect.
and drawings shall accompany the sample
(c) Submit to the procuring activity for
approval, the proposed corrective
4.5 Acceptance tests. The acceptance tests
action to prevent recurrence of
and consist of individual tests and sampling
the defect.
(d) Select six additional fuses at random
from the same lot and subject
4.5.1. Individual tests. Each hydraulic fuse
them to the acceptance tests of
submitted for acceptance under contract shall
4.5. The lot will be accepted if no
be subjected to the following tests, as de-
&.feet is found. If any defect is
scribed in 4.6:
found in the sample, the remain-
(a) Examination of product
der of the lot shall be rejectd and
(b) Proof pressure
the disposition of the lot shall be
determined  by the procuring
(c) Leakage
(d) Volumetric Capacity
4.6 Test methds. In addition, the fuses may be sub-
jected to any of the other tests specified
4.6.l Examination of product Each hy-
herein which the inspector considers neces-
draulic fuse shall be carefully examined to
sary to determine conformance with any of
determine conformance with this specifica-
the requirements of this specification.
tion with respect to material, workmanship,
marking, any visible defects and conformance
45.2 sampling tests. Unless otherwise
with applicable drawings.
specified, three fuses which have passed the
individual tests, shall be selected at random
4.6.2 Immersion. Fuses containing plastic
from each lot and shall be subjected to one
parts shall be subjected to the immersion
or more of the following teds:
tests described in Specification MIL-P-5517.
(a)  Immersion
4.6.3 Proof pressure. Hydraulic pressure,
as specified, shall be applied to the automatic
(b) Pressure drop
quantity-measuring hydraulic fuse by means
(c) Extreme temperature Operation
of a hand pump. Pressure shall be maintained
(d)  Endurance
for a period of five minutes. The fuse shall
(e) Acceleration
withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of 1.50
(f) Bleeding
times the rated pressure without evidence of
external leakage, failure, distortion or per-
(h) Burnt pressure
manent act.
4.6.4 Leakage. When the fuse is closed,
Samples from the first lot and every 10th lot
pressure is to be applied to the upstream side
thereafter shall be subjected to all of the
of the fuse. The leakage measurement shall
above tests. The lot shall be rejected if any
consist of the last three minutes of a five-
defect is found in the sample. Fuses in
minute period. Leakage through the fuse
quantities of not greater than 100 and offered
shall not exceed 15 CC per hour (approxi-
for delivery at approximately the same time
mately five drops per minute), at any pres-
shall be considered a lot. A sample shall be
sure from 40 psi to 150 psi, and leakage shall
defined as three fuses selected at random
not exceed 1/2 cc per hour (approximately 10
from a lot.

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