| MIL-F-5508B
drops per hour) at any pressure over 150 psi
flow in the circuit and with flow restricted to
to rated pressure. For qualification tests the
obtain normal working pressure in the fuse.
fuse shall be tested at pressures of 40, 80,
Pressure drop shall be determined at flow
150 psi, 50 percent of rated pressure, and 100
rates of 25 percent, 50 percent, 100 percent
percent of rated pressure. For acceptance
and 200 percent of rated flow. The pressure
tests, each fuse shall be tested at 40 psi and
drop through the fuse in either the closing or
rated pressure.
resetting direction shall not exceed 25 psi at
the rated flow for the fuse.
4.6.5 Volumetric capacity. The fuse shall
be installed substantially as shown in figure
4.6.7 Extreme temperature operation. The
automatic quantity-measuring hydraulic fuse
shall operate to shut off or to establish flow Qualification tests. Qualification
when operated at any temperature from
tests for volumetric capacity shall be con-
minus 54 0C. to plus 70 C. (minus 65 F. to
ducted with unrestricted flow and at rated
plus 160 F.). Extreme temperature tests
pressure as follows:
shall be conducted on the sample fuse assem-
(a) Flow Shall be passed through the
bled of parts with tolerances most conducive
fuse at 1/10 gpm, and the volume
to binding at the temperature tested and shall
of fluid passed through the fuse
be performed as noted below on an installa-
before the fuse closes shall be
tion set up substentially in accordance with
measured. For fuses requiring re-
Figure 5.
verse flow for resetting, the flow
(a) High Temperature. The fuse shall
shall & reversed. The Volume of
be subjected to leakage tests and
fluid passed shall be within -the
tests for volumetric capacity at
limits specified in figure 7.
flow rates of 1 gpm, 25 percent of
(b) The test shall be repeated for the
rated flow capacity, and 100 per-
percentages of rated flow and the
cent of rated flow capacity after
volume of fluid passed shall be
within the limits specified in Fig-
exposure to the specified high
temperature for a period of six
ure 7.
hours. Fluid and air temperature
(c) An eight-hour test shall be con-
shall not exceed the specified
ducted to verify that the fuse
herein, and the volumetric ca-
shall not dose at flow rates less
pacity shall be within the limits
than 0.02 gpm.
specified in Figure 7. Acceptance tests. All fuses shall be
(b) Low temperature. The tests speci-
testd at flows of 1/4 gpm and 200 percent of
fied above for high temperature
rated flow, and the volume of fluid passed
shall be repeated except that the
shall be within the limits specified in Figure
fuse shall be exposed to the low
7. These tests for volumetric capacity shall
temperature for a period of 72
be conducted with unrestricted flow.
hours. The fluid and air tempera-
ture shall be maintained at the Volumetric capacity of fuses. The
required valves during the test.
rated volumetric capacity of fuses shall be 10,
Leakage shall not exceed that
20, 40, 60, 80, 120, 160, 200 and 250 cubic
specified herein and the volu-
inches as applicable. Tube size shall be 1/2
metric capacity shall be within
the limits specified in Figure 7.
4.6.6 Pressure drop. With the apparatus
(c) Rapid warm-up. The low tempera-
set up as shown in Figure 2, the pressure
ture test set up shall be allowed
flow shall be measured on both the closing
to warm up rapidly to room tem-
and resetting diretions with unrestricted
perature and at least five cycles of
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