| ![]() MIL-F-5508B
increasd until the specified burst pres-
rules or regulations of other carriers appli-
sure is reached. The pressure rise shall be
cable to the mode of transportation.
5.3 Marking. In addition to any
marking required by the contractor,
4.7 Internal treatment. Following inspec-
shall be in accordance with Military
tion, sampling, and test procedures specified
MIL-STD-129 and ANA Bulletin No.
above, each fuse shall be internally flushed
with hydraulic preservative oil conforming
to Specification MIL-H-6083 and all ports
6.1 Intended use. Automatic quantity-
shall be capped and plugged with closures
measuring hydraulic fuses are Valve-like
conforming to Specification MIL-C-5501 to
safety devices used in aircraft hydraulic lines
prevent on leakage.
to prevent loss of hydraulic fluid from the
system when the lines are ruptured or fail for
any reason. Fuses meeting the rquirements
5.1 Preservation and packaging. Preserva-
of this specification are for use in hydraulic
tion and packaging shall be Level A or C as
systems containing only hydraulic oil con-
forming to specification MIL-H-5606 and are
specified (see 6.2).
not qualified for use with other types of
5.l.1 Level A. Unless otherwise specified
in the contract or order, each fuse shall be
individually preserved and packaged in ac-
6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents
cordance with Specification MIL-P-7936. The
shall specify the following:
method of preservation shall conform to
(a) Title number, and date of this speci-
method IA of Specification MIL-P-116.
5.1.2 Level C. Each fuse shall be preserved
(b) Applicable AN and manufacturer's
and packaged in a manner which will afford
part number.
adequate protection against corrosion, de-
(c) Level of packaging and packing re-
terioration, and physical damage during ship-
quired (see section 5).
ment from supply source to the first receiving
6.3 Qualification. With respect to products
activity for immediate use.
requireing qualification, awards will be made
5.2 Packing. Packing shall be level A, B, for such products as have, prior to the time
or C as specified (see 6.2).
set for opening of bids, been tested and ap-
proved for inclusion on the applicable quali-
5.2.1 Level A. Fuses packaged as specified
fied products list, whether or not such
in 5.2 shall be packed in snug-fitting cleated
products have been so listed by that date.
plywood boxes conforming to Speecification
PPP-B-601, overseas type, using Type II, The attention of the suppliers is called to this
Class 2 plywood, nailed wood boxes conform- requirement, and manufacturers are urged
ing to Class 2 of Specification PPP-B-621, or to arrange to have the products that they
propose to offer the Federal Government
fiberboard boxes conforming to Type I, Class
tested for qualification in order that they be
1 of Specification PPP-B-636. Closures and
strapping shall conform to the appendix of eligible to be awarded conracts or orders for
the products covered by this specification.
the applicable specification.
Information pertaining to qualification of
5.2.3 Level C. Fuses packaged as specified
products covered by this Speculation may be
in 5.1 shall be placed in shipping containers
obtained from Oklahoma City Air Materiel
prepared for delivery in such a manner so as
Area (OCNE), Tinker AFB Oklahoma.
to insure carrier acceptance and safe delivery Notice. When Govenrnment drawings, specifications
at the destination. Containers shall be in ac- orr other data are used for any purpose other tha in
cordance with uniform freight classification connection with a definitely related Government pro-
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