| MIL-F-5577B
3.5 Design and construction. The fittings
which are riot specifically designate herein
shall be designed and constructed in accordance
and which are necessary for the execution of
with the applicable MS standards and specifi-
this specification shall be selected in accord-
cations in conjunction with the fluid tank and
ance with ANA Bulletin No. 143, except as pro-
component parts to insure that fluid leakage
vided in the following paragraph.
from the fitting shall not occur during normal
3.3.1 MS Standard parts. MS Standard
service life. Class A fittings shall conform
parts shall be used wherever they are suitable
to Standard MS33595, MS33596, MS29550
for the purpose, and shall be identified on the
through MS29557, and MS29572 through
drawing by their part numbers
MS29582, as applicable. The assembly, con-
3.4 Materials. All materials used in the
sisting of the cell fitting and attaching parts,
tank fittings shall be sufficiently resistant to
shall be of the necessary strength to provide
fluids listed in table I, to assure satisfactory
adequately for the stresses caused by the
performance throughout the specified tempera-
ture range.
(a) Flexing resulting from vibration.
(b) Impact loads incident to takeoff,
taxiing, and landing (including
catapulting and arresting, where
(c) Hydraulic surge of fluid incident to all
dynamic conditions of flight.
(d) Hydraulic surge of fluid incident to
gunfire, where applicable.
(e) Pressure loads resulting from a hydro-
static head of fluid during level flight
or maneuvers, plus resulting differen-
tial venting pressure, or resulting
from any neutral gases used to pres-
surize the cells.
(f) The fitting assembly shall be designed
3.4.1 Fungusproof. Materials that are nu-
in conjunction with the containing
trients for fungi shall not be used where it is
structure to avoid concentration of ex-
practicable to avoid them. Where used and
ternal loads on the fitting assembly or
not hermetically sealed, they shall be treated
fluid tank.
with a fungicidal agent acceptable to the pro-
3.5.1 Through-bolt fittings. Through-bolt
curing activity.
fittings may be utilized only in connections
3.4.2 Metals. Metals shall be of the corros-
where no seal around the bolt is required to pre-
ion-resistant type or suitably treated to resist
vent fluid leakage.
corrosion from fuels, oils, salt spray, and at-
3.6 Class A fittings.
mospheric conditions likely to be met in stor-
3.6.1 Sealing surface (class A). The thick-
age and normal service. Magnesium shall not
ness of the molded sealing surface of the fitting
be used in the construction of these fittings.
and the total thickness variation at the sealing Dissimilar metals. When practi-
surf ace shall be as specified on the applicable
cable, dissimilar metals shall not be used in in-
MS standard.
timate contact with each other.
3.6.2 Sealing-surface flatness (class A). Castings. All metallic castings used
When a transparent acrylic plate of l-inch min-
in tank-fitting assemblies shall be so fabricated
imum thickness is placed on the surface, and
that the tank fluid cannot permeate the casting
the bolts torqued to 60 percent of the nominal
and permit fluid leakage. If necessary to pre-
installation torque, 75 percent of the sealing-
vent porosity, parts shall be treated in accord-
surface width shall be in contact with the plate.
ance with Standard MIL-STD-276.
The plate shall be flat to within 0.0005 inch
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