| MIL-F-5577B
hole shall be normal to the plane of the sealing
applicable MS standard as measured from the
surface of the fitting within 1 degree.
plate. The attaching load shall not exceed 50
percent of the minimum fitting installation
3.9.2 Threaded holes. All threaded bolt-
holes shall be blind and shall include tapped
steel inserts or equivalent except where no seal Deflection. No permanent set of the
around bolt is required to prevent fluid leakage.
interconnectors shall occur when 150 percent
3.10 Inserts.
of the maximum installation torque or maxi-
mum allowable torque per table II, whichever
3.10.1 Bottoming. Inserts shall be so de-
is smaller, is applied.
signed that when a bolt which is of sufficient
threaded length to prevent shanking and is lu- Sealing torque ("0" ring seals).
bricated with test fluid, is in contact with the
Threaded members in fittings shall be so se-
lected that the installation torque will be be-
bottom of the insert, and the maximum allow-
tween 50 and 75 percent of the maximum al-
able torque, as specified in table II, is applied,
lowable torque specified in table II.
the bolt shall not damage, rotate, breakthrough,
or push out the bottom.
3.8.2 Cell mounted fitting. See 6.3.2.
3.10.2 Shanking. The insert shall be so de- "O" ring fitting. See 6.3.3.
signed that it will not be damaged beyond re- "0" ring groove depth. Require-
pair when the bolt is shanked out against the
ments the same as
top thread of the insert when torqued to the Sealing surface flatness ("0" ring
maximum allowable torque values of table II.
or "O" ring sections bonded). Flat sealing
3.10.3 Pulling out. Inserts shall be so ins-
surfaces on fittings that are to be used with "O"
talled in the metallic casting or stamped ring
ring or gaskets consisting of partial "0" ring
that when the insert is bridged by washers or
sections bonded to metal shall be measured as
suitable means, a bolt engaged 1 diameter, and
described in 3.8.1,2 and shall be flat to within
the maximum allowable torque, as specfied in
0.001 inch TIR.
table II, is applied, the insert shall not pull Deflection. Same requirements as
out or rotate, nor shall the insert threads be
damaged. Sealing torgue. Same requirements
3.10.4 Locking devices. Self-locking inserts
shall be used in all "O" ring fittings. Self- Gasket fittings. See 6.3.4.
locking devices maybe used in fitting bolts and Sealing surface flatness. Flat seal-
fitting inserts for other types of fittings. Free
ing surfaces on fittings using compressible, un-
spinning devices shall not be used with sealing
attached fittings shall be flat within 0.015 inch
surf aces subject to cold flow. The following
TIR when measured while manually restrained
requirements shall be met.
on a plate which is flat within 0.001 inch TIR. Location. The locking device shall
The gasket fitting must also meet the require-
start to function not more than the equivalent
ments of 3,
of of the diameter of the bolt from the first Deflection. Same requirements as
thread. It shall be possible to turn the. bolt a
minimum of 2 turns in the insert before the Sealing pressure. These fittings
bolt becomes finger-tight.
shall also meet the requirements of 3.7.3. Endurance life and torque variation.
3.8.3 Wicking. Fittings shrill be designed
Locking devices used with "O" ring fittings
and constructed so that fluid wickage will not
shall have suficient endurance life to withstand
occur into the tank construction.
50 removal and installation cycles without the
3.9 Boltholes.
nominal friction torque value varying by more
3.9.1 Alinement. The centerline through
than + 50 percent. Locking devices used with
the boltholes shall be normal to the plane of the
all other fittings shall have sufficient endurance
sealing surface of the fitting within 1 degree.
life to withstand a total of 15 removal and in-
If inserts are used, the axis of the insert bolt-
stallation cycles without the frictional torque
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