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4.3.1 Individual tests. Each fitting shall be
4.2.1 Preproduction test samples. The Pre-
subjected to the following tests, as described
production test samples shall consist of fittings
under 4.5, "Test methods," of this specification:
representative of production items. They
shall be tested at a laboratory designated by the
(a) Inspection (4.5.1)
(b) Surface blemishes (
procuring activity or, when so stated in the con-
4.3.2 Sampling tests.
tract, at the contractor's plant under the super-
vision of the procuring activity. The Prepro- Sampling plan A, dimensional in-
spection (nondestuctive). Fittings of each
duction test samples shall consist of the
class and type shall be selected at random and
subjected tO the Detailed inspection specified in
Class A and class B fittings:
(a) Six test slabs, rubber-stock, 0.75 + 0.005 Dimensional inspection shall be in ac-
by 6 by 6 inches.
cordance with Standard MIL-STD-105, and
(b) one test slab, rubber stock, 0.500 +
the classification of characteristics shall be sub-
0.005 by 6 by 6 inches.
ject to the approval of the Government repre-
(c) Four fittings of the same part number.
sentative. Acceptable quality levels (AQL) of
Fitting inside diameter shall be with-
1 percent shall be employed for major char-
in 2 to 5 inches.
acteristics and 2.5 percent for minor character-
(d) Ten ASTM adhesion test specimens
as specified in ASTM Method D429- Lot (Sampling plan A). A lot
shall consist of a group of fittings of the same
Class C fittings:
class and type, manufactured under essentially
the same conditions, and submitted for accept-
(a) Four fittings of the same part num-
ber. Fitting inside diameter shall be
ance at the same time.
within 2 to 5 inches, Sampling plan B, adhesion (destruc-
Note: The rubber stock used in the test shall be
tive). The number of fittings to be subjected
that which adheres to metal. The method of test, A
to the test specified in shall be as spe-
or B, of ASTM Method D429-55T shall be reported.
cified in the appendix of Standard MIL-STD-
Each of the above samples of fittings shall in-
105, inspection level L3, acceptance number of
clude all the necessary mating parts, and that
zero; on lot sizes of 15 or less, inspection level
part of the fitting which is tank mounted shall
L1 shall apply.
be mounted in a panel of tank material 24 by 24 Lot (Samping plan B). A lot shall
inches square to provide a complete fitting in-
consist of a group of fittings of the same class
stallation for test purposes.
and type, manufactured in the same week un-
4.2.2 Preproduction tests. Preproduction
der essentially the same conditions, and sub-
tests shall consist of all the tests of this speci-
mitted for acceptance at the same time.
fication, as described under 4.5, "Test methods,"
4.4 Test conditions. If the test methods
in the order listed. Fittings shall be subjected
specified herein do not truly represent the fit-
to all applicable Preproduction tests except as
ting environment, for example, temperatures
noted in and Any or all of
resulting from aerodynamic heating in excess
the Preproduction tests may be repeated upon
of + 160 F, the test shall be modified as agreed
the other fittings if deemed necessary by the
upon by the contractor and the procuring ac-
procuring activity.
tivity to simulate operating conditions. The
4.2.3 Preproduction test report. When Pre-
test conditions shall be as described in Fed.
production tests are conducted at a contractor's
plant, a test report shall be prepared in accord-
Test Method Std. No. 601 unless the above con-
ance with Specification MIL-T-9017. Three
ditions are applicable.
copies of the report shall be furnished to the
4.4.1 Test fluid. Unless otherwise specified,
procuring activity.
the test fluids used in conducting tests de-
scribed herein shall conform to the applicable
4.3 Acceptance tests. Acceptance tests
shall consist of Individual tests and Sampling
test media described in Method 6001 of Fed.
Test Method Std. No. 601.

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