| ![]() MIL-F-62564(AT) Rejected lots. If an inspection lot is rejected, the supplier may rework it to correct
the defects, or screen out the defective fans and resubmit for reinspection. Resubmitted lots shall
be inspected using tightened inspection. Such lots shall be separate from new lots, and shall be
clearly identified as reinspected lots.
4.5.3 Test. Each fan shall be subjected to the quality conformance test specified in table II. Failure. Failure of any fan to pass the specified quality conformance test shall be
cause for the Government to refuse acceptance of that fan.
4.6 Control tests. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), sample fans shall be selected at the
rate of 1 per each 100 fans produced. The fans shall be subjected to the control test specified in
table II.
4.6.1 Failure. If any fan fails to pass any of the control tests, two additional fans may be
selected from the lot and subjected to the control tests. Failure of either fan to pass any of the
specified control tests shall be cause for the Government to refuse acceptance of the production
quality represented until action taken by the contractor to correct defects and prevent recurrence
has been approved by the Government.
4.6.2 Disposition of sample fans. Fans which have been subjected to control testing, shall
not be delivered on the contract.
4.7 Methods of inspection.
4.7.1 Materials and construction. Conformance to 3.2 through, 3.3 and 3.3.2 shall be
determined by inspection of contractor records providing proof or certification that design,
construction, processing, and materials conform to requirements. Applicable records shall
include drawings, specifications, design data, receiving inspection records, processing and
quality control standards, vendor catalogs and certifications, industry standards, test reports, and
rating data.
4.7.2 Defects. Conformance to 3.3, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5 and 3.5 through 3.7 shall be
determined by examination for the defects listed in table III. Examination shall be visual or by
measurement with standard inspection equipment.
4.7.3 Weight. To determine conformance to 3.3.1, the fan shall be weighed.
4.7.4 Direction of rotation. To determine conformance to 3.4.1, the impeller shall be rotated
slowly and examined for rubbing or binding. Rotate impeller clockwise as specified and verify
that airflow is in the direction specified on Drawing 12292080. Verify that direction of rotation
and direction of airflow is properly marked on fan housing.
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