| ![]() MIL-F-63281A (AR)
or reworked cavity for use in production. The molded parts shall
carry the individual cavity identification. As a control of each
cavity during production, the above quantity of parts from each
cavity shall be inspected for at least the defects listed in,,,, after continuous production
of each 5,000 parts or at the end of each week, whichever occurs
first. Of the sample, one (1) part shall be the last produced. If
any defective parts are found during qualification of the cavity,
the cavity producing the defective part will not be used in
production. If any defective parts are found when inspection is
performed for the control of the cavity, the cavity producing the
defective part shall be removed from production. Further, that
portion of production since the last control check shall be returned
to the contractor for inspection for each type of defect according
to MIL-STD-105, using the AQL's detailed in the classification of
details. All cavities removed from production because of some
fault, may, after reworking, be returned to production providing
they pass the qualification test above. The contractor may request
a change of inspection frequency providing he presents objective
evidence to the contracting officer to substantiate the request.
Note 1: In establishing a curing time, dimensionally check ten (10)
parts from each cavity at periodic intervals (e.g., every 30, 60,
etc. minutes) until dimensional stability is attained. The curing
time will be from the time the part comes out of the mold until
dimensional stability is attained. The inspection data used in
determining the curing time shall be sent to address shown in 6.4.
If there is a change in material, or in the cycle time, or if a
cavity is reworked, or a new cavity is used, a new curing time shall
be established and approved.
4.5.26 Rivet push-out test. The resistive force shall act
against the plate while avoiding support of the conductor strip.
Apply the force with a 0.047 .003 diameter pin. Any rivet that
pushes out shall be classed defective.
4.5.27 Umbilical assembly pull test. The umbilical assembly
shall be placed in a holding fixture. A straight pull-out force of
10 pounds shall be applied at the Coaxicon Umbilical Contact
Assembly. If the adhesive's seal or the cable's continuity become
defective as a result of this test, the assembly shall be classed
defective and be removed from the lot.
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