| ![]() MIL-F-70673 (AR)
Materials shall comply with the applicable
3.1 Material.
drawings and specifications listed thereon.
3.2 Components and assemblies. The components and assemblies
shall comply with all requirements specified on Drawing 9298733 and
associated drawings and with all requirements specified in
applicable specifications and standards.
3.3 Molded parts. All molded parts shall be identified as to
the mold cavity from which they were made.
3.4 Fuzes (less expulsion charge and less delay assembly).
All fuzes, less expulsion charge, less delay assembly shall comply
with MIL-F-50541 with the exception that classification of defects
(CD) and will be deleted and applicable (CD) in
Section 4 of this document will be substituted in their place.
3.5 Expulsion delay time. The expulsion delay time of the
M442 Fuze shall have a minimum of 8.0 seconds and a maximum of 10.0
seconds between 50 and 90F. The expulsion delay time shall
commence upon firing of the fuze primer and end when expulsion
charge fires.
3.6 Environment. The M442 Fuze shall function in compliance
with the requirements in 3.5 after being subjected to the following
environmental conditions.
3.6.1 High temperature. The M442 Fuze shall function as
specified after subjection to high temperature (140F), Procedure I,
Method 501, of MIL-STD-810. The expulsion delay time shall be
obtained for informational purposes only.
3.6.2 Low temperature. The M442 Fuze shall function as
specified after subjection to low temperature (-25F), Procedure I,
Method 501, of MIL-STD-810. The expulsion delay time shall be
obtained for informational purposes only.
3.6.3 Five-foot drop. The M442 Fuze shall remain safe to
handle and function as specified after subjection to the 5' drop
test procedure 1 (simulated warhead drop) as specified in
3.6.4 Vibration. The M442 Fuze shall remain safe during and
function as specified after subjection to Aircraft Vibration,
Method 514, as specified in MIL-STD-810 and Appendix A.
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