| ![]() MIL-F-70673 (AR)
4.5 Fuze assembly functioning test. The fuze assembly
assembled in test tool (P/N 9335672) and mounted on acceleration
fixture (P/N 9335670) shall be accelerated on a centrifuge to 35.0
gravities (g's) plus or minus one (1) g for a minimum of 1.5
seconds. The fuze will normally fire upon a decrease in
acceleration to 15.0 g's or below after arming at 35.0 g's. After
the fuze has fired, and after the required expulsion delay time has
elapsed, the expulsion charge shall fire. The expulsion charge
output shall shear the shear pins with such force as to break-away
the insert from the motor adapter or completely expel the payload.
A fuze which was armed but has not fired or a fuze that has fired,
but without expulsion charge firing, shall be handled with approved
safety method to prevent injury. Any fuze that fails to function
or exhibits improper delay time (see 3.4 and 3.5) or fails to shear
the pins, shall be classed defective.
4.6 Fuze Environmental and safety tests.
4.6.1 Jolt. The M442 Fuze shall be attached to the jolt
machine in the following manner: The mounting will not be such as
to support (clamp) lid relative to the case. The fuze will be
clamped around its cylindrical diameter (about 1 1/2 inches) in a
split-block manner. The aluminum saddle clamp will be made to
produce a .0005 in. diametral interface on the plastic case of the
pins, that partially and loosely enter holes, notches, etc. to help
keep the fuze in the clamp but do not support the lid relative to
the case. The fuze assembly in this confinement shall be subjected
to and pass the Jolt Test as specified in MIL-STD-331. The same
fuze assembly shall then be subjected to the Jumble Test in
4.5.8. If one or more fuzes fail to meet the test requirements,
the lot shall be rejected.
4.6.2 Jumble. The M442 Fuze without any fixturing shall be
subjected to and pass the Jumble Test as specified in MIL-STD-331.
If one or more fuzes fail to meet the test requirements, the lot
shall be rejected.
4.6.3 Forty-foot drop. The M442 Fuze shall be assembled into
simulated Warhead, 2.75 Inch Rocket, M257 Flare, inert loaded as
described in Figures 1 and 2. The warhead shall be packaged and
packed in accordance with Drawings 8883478 and 8883479/9230114 and
subjected to and pass the Forty-foot test as specified in
MIL-STD-331. The packed box shall be dropped base down only. If
one or more fuzes are found to be in an unsafe condition, the lot
shall be rejected.
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