| ![]() MIL-F-70673 (AR)
c. The Five-foot drop test shall be performed until two (2)
consecutive lots have complied with the acceptance criteria
specified. After satisfying this requirement, the five-foot drop
test shall be performed on every subsequent third lot only. Should
the lot fail the acceptance criteria, the contractor shall be
required to return to the two (2) consecutive lot procedures above.
4.6.7 Vibration. The M442 Fuze shall be attached to the
vibration machine by means of a Government approved fixture which
simulates enclosure in the Warhead, 2.75 Inch Rocket, M257 Flare.
The fuze in this confinement shall be subjected to Aircraft
Vibration in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 514, Curve - see
Appendix A. The fuze shall then be removed from the fixture and
tested in accordance with 4.5. Any fuze that fails the
requirements shall be classed defective.
4.7 Production acceptance criteria. The sample fuzes from
the high temperature, low temperature, five-foot drop, aircraft
vibration, and non-environmental tests shall be combined into one
sample of eighty (80) fuzes and subjected to the fuze function test
specified in 4.5. The fuze lot shall be rejected if two or more
fuzes fail to function or fail to shear the pins or if one or more
fuzes fail to meet the expulsion delay time requirement. In the
event the contractor is relieved of performing the five-foot drop
test for any production lot after satisfying the requirement per
4.6.6.C, the sample size for the non-environmental test shall be
increased to a total of thirty-six (36) fuzes to effect again a
production acceptance sample of eighty (80) fuzes when combined
with sample fuzes from the high temperature, low temperature,
aircraft vibration tests. This sample of eighty fuzes shall be
subjected to the fuze function test with acceptance criteria
specified above.
5.1 Preservation and packaging.
Not applicable.
5.1.1 Level A.
Not applicable.
5.1.2 Level B.
The M442 fuze shall be packaged IAW Drawing
5.1.3 Level C.
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