| ![]() MIL-F-8615D Above freezing. The component shall demonstrate its ability to
perform in the presence of water when the temperature is above freezing. Icing conditions. The minimum endurance and required performance
under icing conditions shall be specified.
3.7.7 Speed. Where applicable, the duration of time for a valve opening
and closing shall be specified. Whenever a component contains a speed
control device, or whenever a variation in the amount of fluid in a component
will allow a speed change, the minimum performance requirements shall be
3.7.8 Dust (fine sand). Components installed in exposed locations shall be
capable of withstanding the damaging effects of sand and dust in the atmo-
sphere without excessive deterioration in performance.
3.7.9 Pressure surge. Fuel system components shall not cause pressure surges
in the fuel tubing greater than the proof pressure of table II. If this
requirement cannot be satisfied, a specific approval of the deviation must
be obtained, and the proof and burst pressure test requirements shall be
increased accordingly. Surge pressures are transient pressure peaks above
the normal system pressure, caused by component actuation.
3.7.10 Thermal shock. The component shall be capable of withstanding the
thermal cycling effects of its environment and fluid temperature changes
without deterioration in either performance or endurance, and without any
other failure. Where applicable, thermal shock performance requirements
shall be specified.
3.8 Safety analysis. Where applicable, all possible failure modes and
their impacts shall be examined in accordance with the applicable paragraphs
of MIL-STD-882, and in accordance with the system safety requirements of
the air vehicle.
3.8.1 Proof-of-safety tests. Tests shall be conducted to verify the safety
analysis. The requirements of MIL-STD-882 shall be applied to the verifica-
tion tests.
3.9 Reliability. The reliability of the component to perform shall be stated
in the item specification, as needed to satisfy system requirements. A test
plan shall be prepared for demonstrating the required reliability in accordance
with MIL-STD-781.
3.10 Maintainability. The maintainability plan shall provide an estimate
of maintenance manhours, total clock-hours, and special tools needed for
intermediate shop and overhaul maintenance of the component, in accordance
with MIL-STD-471.
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