| ![]() MIL-F-8615D
3.12.1 Color identification. The component shall be color coded to indicate
fuel use by means of a red color. The color shall be permanent and shall not
deteriorate, loosen or fade due to contact with fuel or the operational environ-
ment. The marking may consist of a red band 1/4 inch or wider around the
component body or a stripe at least 1 inch long on opposite sides of the
component or by coloring the entire outer surface of the principal body, or
by use of an embossed nameplate with a red background color.
The assembly date marking shall be in accordance with
3.13 AGE Control.
3.14 Workmanship. Workmanship shall be in accordance with all applicable
specifications, drawings, and quality control plans.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract,
the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements
as specified herein. The contractor may use his own or other suitable facilities
unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to per-
form any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections
are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed
4.2 Classification of inspections.
The inspection and testing of the componen
shall be classified as follows:
First article inspection
b. Quality conformance inspection.
4.3 First article inspection. The first article inspection shall consist of
all applicable inspections and tests herein, and any additional tests shall be
in accordance with the item specification. The number of test articles and
the order of tests shall be in accordance with table 111.
4.3.1 Test report. The test report, covering all details of the first
article inspection shall be prepared in accordance with MIL-STD-831. The
report shall include the assembly and cross-section drawings of the component,
copies of test log sheets and other applicable sketches and photographs. The
description of the test apparatus may be abbreviated by including sketches
and photographs to provide a clear understanding of each test set-up.
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