3.1 General .- Unless otherwise specified9 the requirements common to all fire
control instruments as contained in Specification 51-7 shall be mandatory.
3.2 MateriaL - Material shall be in accordance with the applicable drawings and
specifications forming a part of this specification.
3.2.1 Grease,- Grease to be used for bearings (except those in the synchro unit)
and gears, shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-G-3278.
3.2.2 Hydraulic oil.- Hydraulic oil shall be in accordance with Specification
MIL-O-6083. Clean oil shall be . exclusively
9.3 Electrical
Each oil gear shall meet the performance requirements of
3.3.1 Power input.
this specification when
24volts d-c is applied to the motor and 115 volts, 60 cycles, "
is applied to the synchros and relays. Two hours operation at 130 volts a-o shall not
cause damage.
3.3.2 High potential. - There shall be no puncture of insulation, no sparkover,
or decrease in dielectric strength of the insulation sufficient to cause failure of the
component under test when it is subjected to the test specified in 4.2.1 .
3.3.3 Insulation resistance.- The insulation resistance shall be not less than
5 megohms when subjected to the test specified in 4.2.2.
9.3.4 Radio interference suppression. - The oil gear shall meet the require-
ments of Specification M l L = S 1 0 3 7 9 .
3.4 Performance
3.4.1 Transmission and valve assembly .- Transmission and valve aSSeMby
shall meet the requirements of the following Sub-paragraphs when tested in accord-
ance with 4.9.2. Replenishing pump Pressure. - With control at neutral stroke, pressure
shall be beween 150 and 160 pounds per square inch.
3. 4.1.2 Dither.- The dither mechanism shall vibrate to a degree perceptible to
the eye and touch. Differential synchro. - When the differential is electrical zero con-
nected, the hydraulic motor speed shall not exceed 60 rpm.
3.4,1.4 Hydraulic motor output speed. - When the synchros are deenergized and
the unit is accelerated to full speed by displacing the differential synohro shaft to the
. maximum extent, the hydraulic motor speed shall not be less than 3000 rpm in both
directions. The variation in the readings for each direction of rotation shall not ex-
ceed 150 rpm.
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