| ![]() MIL-G-19027D(OS) Come-up time. The steering gyro motor shall reach full speed
(11,500 to 12,000 revolutions per minute (rpm)) within fifteen seconds.
The gyro motor come-up time and speed shall be repeatable within plus or
minus two percent. Starting current. The starting current in two of the three
power lines (phase A and B) shall not exceed 1.75 amperes. The starting
current in the remaining power line (phase C) shall not exceed 1.5 amperes,
when tested as in
3.3.5 Anticircular run (ACR) contacts Actuating angle. The steering gyro shall have a set of con-
tacts (CC202 on NAVORD Drawing 2413255) so arranged that between 165 and
175 degrees of gyro rotation in either direction from the caged position
shall close the contacts. The difference between the clockwise actuating
and counterclockwise actuating angles shall not exceed six degrees. Dwell angle. When actuated as in, the contacts shall
remain closed for not less than 8 nor more than 18 additional degrees of
gyro rotation. The difference between the clockwise and counterclockwise
dwell angles shall not exceed six degrees. Provision shall be made to withdraw the contacts described in so they cannot be closed with 360 degrees rotation of the steering
gyro. The contacts shall be withdrawn upon application of 26 plus
or minus 2 volts dc to solenoid SL202, NAVORD Drawing 2413255. At no
instant, prior to, during, or after withdrawal of the contacts, shall
there be any closed circuit between P or P201 and T of P201. The only
exceptions are at the ACR closure points, which occur at 165 to 175 de-
grees rotation in either direction and with the ACR contacts extended
(not withdrawn). When the contacts are closed as described in, they shall
not be damaged by continued rotation of the steering gyro, and the minimum
separation of 0.063, specified on Drawing 860101, shall be maintained when
the contacts are free from the 165 to 175 degree actuators.
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