| ![]() MIL-G-19027D(OS) Gyro Test Stand Assembled, NAVORD Drawing 877540 or equva-
lent, with 360 degrees rotation and the ability to set angles to the
nearest 1/4 degree. Roll, pitch, and yaw table (Navy Stock Number 88-To-798-020-
000) 115 volts, 60 Hz, single phase, capable of being set zero to 15 de-
grees from horizontal with automatic reversing, six cycles per minute
with a capacity of 15 pounds. Vacuum tube ac voltmeter, capable of reading 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3,
10, 30, 100, and 300 volts. Matching synchro box. This box shall contain a synchro elec-
trically equivalent to Navy Synchro Control Transformer Mk 14, and shall
have provisions for rotating the synchro rotor so that the angle of rota-
tion can be read to the nearest 1/10 of one degree. Rate turntable. Rate Gyro Table Assembled, NAVORD Drawing
877402 or equivalent, operated from 115 volts, 60 Hz single phase with
a rotating table capable of turning at speeds up to three rpm. Megohmmeter, capable of measuring insulation resistance at 500
volts dc over the ranges of 0-20-20,000 megohms with an accuracy of 2 per-
cent. One 10k plus or minus 10 percent, 2 watt potentiometer. DC meter, capable of reading current up to 5 amps dc with
an accuracy of 3 percent. AC ammeter capable of recording 400 Hz ac, rms current up to
5 amperes, with an accuracy of 3 percent. Ohmmeter. Current Fire Control Systems or their equivalent. Oscilloscope, Tektronix Type 310A or equivalent. Test leads and small tools as required.
4.5.3 Test procedure. The following tests constitute the quality con-
formance tests of the steering gyro. Unless otherwise specified, all pins
and connectors cited are shown on NAVORD Drawing 2413255.
4.5.301 Mount the steering gyro on the rate turntable ( with the
spin axis parallel to the plane of the table.
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