| MIL-G-24477(SHIPS) A demonstration plan shall be submitted by the manufacturer to the purchaser
for review and acceptance. This plan shall be formulated so that it will apply to a basic
design or designs and any known modifications thereto. Once this plan has been accepted, it
shall be used on generator sets furnished under this specification except where a new basic
design or modification to the original basic designs have been incorporated in generator
sets and are not covered by the original plan. In this case, the generator set manufacturers
shall submit a plan for the new basic design or the modification, as applicable, to the
purchaser for acceptance. As a minimum, the following items shall be covered:
(a) Preventative maintenance tasks.
(b) Corrective maintenance tasks which would normally be accomplished onboard
ship, such as replacement of bearings and seals, water pump seals, cooler
zincs, governor parts, safety devices, gages, thermometers, brushes and
springs, heaters, etc. Test conditions.
The maintainability test shall be performed with the equip-
ment or system Installed In a manner which simulates an actual shipboard installation and
the access envelope (see shall be simulated with panels and screens. Test equip-
ment tools, repair parts and maintenance literature, at least in the form of preliminary
manuals covering maintenance instruction shall be made available for the tests. Test team,
facilities, and support material shall represent the normal shipboard resources. Test
mechanics shall be given no outside assistance unless approved by the purchaser. The follow-
ing shall be recorded, monitored, and certified by the purchaser's representative:
Data collected, including man-hours, clock-hours, maximum number of active
mechanics, part identification, and documentation of the specified mainte-
nance tasks.
Factors which influenced the data.
Identification of other parts removed or moved to permit replacement of the
part which a replacement time has to be demonstrated.
Computation or measurement of the required replacement times
Results of retest, if applicable.
Certification by a purchaser's representative of the data obtained and
whether or not the maintenance task time requirements have been met. The training and skill levels of the manufacturer's shop personnel who perform
the maintenance tasks shall be commensurate with Navy personnel who will maintain the gener-
ator set.
Simulation of faults or failures by the introduction of defective parts is
not required. The purchaser and NAVSEC shall be notified at least 30 days in advance of the
scheduled test so that arrangements can be made to witness the test if desired.
4.6.18 Parallel operation test. Parallel operation tests shall be conducted to the
extent necessary to demonstrate stale transfer of real and reactive power from one set to
the other and with the voltage plus or minus 5 volts of rated.
(The preparation for delivery requirements specified herein apply only for direct
Government procurements. For the extent of applicability of the preparation for delivery
requirements of referenced documents listed in section 2, see 6.3.)
5.1 Preservation-packaging.
Preservation-packaging shall be level A or C, as specified
(see 6.1).
5.1.1 Level A.
5.1.1 Generator and voltage regulators. Generators and voltage regulators shall be
cleaned and preserved level A in accordante with MIL-E-16298, MIL-R-2729 and MIL-E-17555,
as applicable. Generator and voltage regulators. The basic diesel engine shall be cleaned and preserved in
accordance with IV, method II, of MIL-E-10062 to the extent specified. Manifolds,
pumps, turbochargers and other attached accessories shall not be removed from the engine
during cleaning and preservation unless the removal is considered essential for complete
coverage of the preservative.
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