| ![]() MIL-G-45981(WC) Rain test. The weapon system shall be exposed to rain
and wind conditions in accordance with prodedure I, Method 505, of
MIL-STD-810. Humidity test. The weapon system shall be sujected to
humidity conditions for seven cycles of 12 hours each in accordance with
Procedure I, Method 507 of MIL-STD-810. The weapon system shall with-
stand storage at 100 percent relative humidity at a temperature of 85F. Fungus test. The Weapon system shall be subjected to
fungus testing in accordance with Procedure I, Method 508 of MIL-STD
810, unless documentary evidence is supplied as proof that only non-
nutrient materials were used or that all parts were suitably treated to
resist micro-organisms. Salt fog test. The weapon system shall be subjected to
a salt fog test in accordance with Procedure I, Method 509 of MIL-STD-
810 Dust test. The weapon system shall be subjected to blowing
dust with particle size from 0.0001 to 0.0100 mm and wind speeds of 15
knots, in accordance with Procedure I, Method 510 of MIL-STD-810. Shock test. The weapon system shall be shok tested in
accordance with Figure 516-1 of Procedure I, Basic Design Test for Ground
Equipment, Shock parameters b and d Method 516 of MIL-STD-810. Sand test. The weapon system shall be operated at speeds
up to 30 miles per hour in sandy terrain with sind speeds of 35 knots.
The weapon system shall be operated, with the vehicle both stationary and
moving, in blowing sand having a particle size from 0.01 to 1.00 mm, and
with wind speeds of 15 knots or greater. Laboratory produced conditions
shall be permitted for this test.
4.6.32 Interchangeability test (see 3.5). Weapon system. Interchangeabliity test prodedures shall
provide for three weapon systems, from each twenty systems produced, to
be disassembled and reassembled in a prearranged pattern from the parts
of each weapon system divided into three groups of nonmating parts dis-
tributed in three different trays each containing a complete weapon
system. The exchange of parts and assemblies shall result in the max-
imum exchange in mating parts. The interchangeability test shall include
major subassemblies and reparir parts for major subassemblies as specified
in Table II. The weapon system shall be functionally tested after re-
assembly. Any failure of the interchargeability test shall be cause for
rejection of the represented lot. Upon authorization form HQ.U.S.
ARMCOM. ATTN: DRSAR-QA. Rock Island, IL 61201, an interchangeability
retest may be allowed without reconditioning of the lot of weapon systems.
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