| ![]() MIL-G-45140B
* 3.2.24 Operating rod protrusion. The operating rod protrusion
(distance between the face of the receiver and the shoulder of the
operating rod) shall be not less than .450 inch nor more than .680
inch. Testing shall be as specification"
3.2.25 Sear release disengagement. The sear release shall dis-
engage from the sear within .200 inch travel (after taking up cable
slack). Testing shall be as specified in
3.2.26 Hammer release and spring return loads. The gun or firing
mechanism shall meet the following requirements when in a horizontal
* Hammer release. The cable load to release the hammer
from a cocked position shall be not more than 12 pounds. Testing shall
be as specified in
* Spring return. With the firing mechanism attached to
the gun and the hammer in the released position or the firing mechanism
detached from the gun and the hammer shank 90 50 from the top of the
firing mechanism housing, the spring force returning the firing rod
from the fully retracted position to engage the sear release with the
sear shall be not less than 5 pounds. Testing shall be as specified in
3.2.27 Firing pin indent. With the gun in a horizontal position,
the firing pin indent shall be not less than .020 inch and it shall not
be off center more than one-half the diameter of the firing pinpoint.
Testing shall be as specified in
3.3 Performance.
3.3.1 Functioning. The gun shall function without malfunction or
unserviceable parts for 20 consecutive rounds with the gas regulator set
between 1 and 1 1/2 turns from the closed position. Ammunition shall
be government standard T249E2, caliber .50, practice cartridges con-
forming to MIL-C-60168. Testing shall be as specified in
3.3.2 High-pressure resistance. The gun shall be capable of with-
standing the firing of one round of government standard T251, caliber
.50, test, high-pressure cartridge conforming to MIL-C-60167. Parts shall
be free of cracks, seams and other injurious defects after proof firing.
Testing shall be as specified in
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