| ![]() MIL-G-45140B
4.1.1 The contractor shall perform, as a minimum, inspections in
accordance with the specifications, quality assurance provisions, MIL-
Q-45970 and the contract. These minimum inspections shall not be con-
strued as relieving the contractor of his responsibilities under terms
of the contract to furnish the Government with items complying with and
conforming to the requirements of the contract, drawings and specifications.
4.2 Quality assurance terms and definitions. Quality assurance
terms and definitions used herein are in accordance with MIL-STD-109.
4.3 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements
specified herein are classified as follows:
a. First article inspection (see 4.4).
b. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.5).
4.4 First article inspection. The first article (initial pro-
duction unit(s)) shall be submitted for inspection in accordance with
the contract (see 6.1). The first article shall be representative of
the prooduction processes to be used during quantity production. The
first article shall be subjected to the quality conformance inspection
specified herein and such other inspection as necessary to determine
that all requirments of the contract have been met.
4.5 Quality conformance inspection.
4.5.1 Inspection lot. Guns. Each of the first five lots shall consist of not
more than 100 guns or a month's production, whichever is smaller. If
five successive lots meet the requirements of this specification, the
lot size shall be increased to 300 guns or a month's production, which-
ever is smaller. If five successive lots of 300 guns meet the require-
ment of this specification, the lot size shall be increased to a
maximum of 500 guns or a month's production, whichever is smaller. If
rejection of a lot occurs at any time, the initial five lot criteria
shall be reinstated and the above procedure repeated in returning to
larger lot sizes. Guns shall be assembled from lots of parts that have
met all inspection requirements specified herein.
* Parts. The formation, size and presentation of inspection
lots of parts shall be in accordance with MIL-W-105 and MIL-W-13855.
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