| ![]() MIL-G-45140B Guns shall have been lubricated using lubricant in accor-
dance with MIL-L-46000. Apply a light coat of oil to all surfaces of
the bolt assembly, slide assembly and receiver. Guns shall be cleaned with a cleaning solvent in accordance
with MIL-C-372 and the following procedure:
Barrel. Brush bore thoroughly with a brush soaked in
cleaning Solvent. Brush the bore from the chamber to the
muzzle using straight through strokes. Do not reverse
direction of brush until it extends beyond the muzzle.
Continue brushing until the bore is covered with solvent.
Dry the bore by pushing clean dry swabs through the bore.
Continue until the swab comes out clean and dry. Clean,
dry compressed air maybe used for preliminary drying.
Barrel chamber. Insert the chamber brush that has been
dipped in cleaning solvent into the chamber and use re-
ciprocating plunge strokes and rotational, 360 motions.
Dry chamber with cleaning swabs.
Bolt assembly. Disassemble all parts, wash these parts in
cleaning solvent and remove all carbon deposits. Remove
excess solvent and dry.
Receiver. Clean with cleaning solvent and remove all
powder fouling. Remove excess cleaning solvent and dry.
Firing mechanism assembly. Remove all carbon residue from
firing mechanism assembly using cleaning solvent. Drain
excess solvent and dry. A complete record shall be kept for each endurance test,
showing each malfunction and part replacement including the number of
the round at which each occurred. The contractor shall investigate causes of malfunction
and unserviceable parts and indicate corrective action taken. Upon completion of the endurance test, the contractor may
reconditon the test gun. Reconditioned guns shall meet all the require-
ments of this specification. Test guns not suitably reconditioned shall
be scrapped.
4.6.9 Interchangeability test. In plant.
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