| ![]() MIL-G-46858A Radar and radio command receivers. - The requirements of shall apply
only to radar and radio command receivers. Carrier frequency. - The receiver shall be designed to operate at the specified
carrier frequency(ies). If multiple frequency channels are required, the appropriate coding for
channel selection shall be as specified in the detail specification. Frequency stability. - The design of the receiving equipment shall be such that
the center frequency drift will be within specified limits and under any service conditions
shall not impair the operating performance. Spurious response. - Modern techniques shall be utilized to reduce images and
spurious responses outside of the required bandwidth. Radio frequency (RF) input impedance. - The receiver input circuits at the
operating frequency shall not produce a voltage standing wave ratio greater than that specified
in the detail specification. Tuning. - In the case where tuning shall be changed by command, the time
required for such changes in tuning shall be kept at a minimum compatible with system
operation. Selectivity. - The intermediate frequency (IF) section of the receiver shall have a
6 db bandwidth of no less than a specified value and 60 db bandwidth of not more than a
specified value. IF gain. - The IF amplification shall be sufficient to assure signal detection. Decoders. - If the command signals are in a coded format, then the command
guidance subsystem shall have a decoder to convert these coded command signals from the
output of the receiver into a format usable by the flight control subsystem. The decoder
design shall be compatible with both the receiver and the flight control subsystem and shall be
in accordance with the detail specification. Inputs. - The decoder inputs shall be either pulse trains, coded pulses, individual
tones or bursts of tones as established in the detailed specification. They shall be of
magnitude and form such that accurate derivation of commands is achieved. Audio channels and relays. - For systems in which audio tones are used for relay
actuation, the magnitude of these tones shall be sufficient to assure reliable relay operation. Resettability. - The electrical and mechanical characteristics of the decoder shall be
such that substantially the same power output is obtained each time any particular channel is
selected. Any change or recycling shall not cause the power output from the decoder to
deviate by more than a specified percent from that obtained originally.
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