| ![]() MIL-G-46858A
* Pulse transmitter. - When a pulse transmitter is employed in the system to carry out
the functions of either a beacon or monitor transmitter, the requirements of through shall apply. Transmitter power tube conditions. - The transmitter power tube shall be either a
mechanically tunable magnetron or other power tube approved by the procuring activity. The
power tube shall be capable of operation throughout the specified frequency range and with
the following parameters specified in the detail specification: Pulse length, pulse shape,
average power and peak power. RF output pulse shape. - The envelope of the RF output pulse shall have a
specified width measured at the one-half power points. The pulse rise and fall times (0 to 90
percent ) shall be less than a specified percent of the pulse width at the one-half power points. RF frequency stability. - The construction of the transmitting equipment shall be
such that the center frequency drift will be within certain limits from the selected frequency
and under any service conditions shall not impair the operating performance (i.e. distortion,
phase and linearity). Pulse transformer. - If a magnetron is used, it shall be driven by a pulse
transformer designed as a companion piece to the magnetron. The pulse transformer shall be
capable of delivering the necessary voltage to the magnetron. Radar modulator repetition rate. - The radar modulator shall be capable of being
triggered by a synchronizing pulse from the radar receiver at a specified rate. Pulse stability. - The jitter between the trigger pulse and modulator output pulse
shall not exceed a specified time (usually given in microseconds). Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). - The voltage standing wave ratio looking
into the sum channel of the antenna shall be less than a prescribed value over the entire
frequency band specified in the detail specification. The overall VSWR looking into the radar
transmission line at the magnetron output flange shall not exceed a specified value over the
same frequency range.
* Spurious radiation. - The transmitting equipment shall be designed to minimize the
emission of spurious radiation in accordance with the requirements of
3.5.3 Alternate missileborne guidance subsystems. - Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the
use of alternate missileborne guidance subsystems shall not be required. If one is required,
the command intelligence generated by such systems shall be compatible with the input
requirements of the flight control subsystem.
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