| ![]() MIL-G-47316A (MI)
Report the average of the results with-the-grain and the average across-
the-grain for each sample block or billet.
4.6.5 Ash content. Ash content shall be determined in accordance with the
following using composited pieces of test specimens from the flexural strength test to
determine conformance to 3.4.4:
Weigh a sample of approximately 10 g, to the nearest milligram (mg),
into a tared 100 cubic centimeter (cc) platinum or porcelain crucible.
Place the weighed sample in a muffle furnace and heat the sample to a
temperature of 800 to 900 Celsius (C) for not less than 24 hours. To
prevent ash fusion, temperature shall be not greater than 900C.
Allow the crucible and sample to cool to room temperature in a
Examine the residue for traces of carbon. If carbon is present, continue
ignition until ashing is complete.
Transfer the sample residue to a desiccator and allow to stand for not
less than 1 hour before weighing.
Weigh the residue to the nearest 0.1 mg.
When there is no further visual evidence of carbon, repeat the ignition
for 1 hour periods at 800 to 900 C until a constant weight is obtained.
Calculate ash content as follows:
Ash content, percent = ash weight
sample weight
Report the average of not less than two determinations for each sample
block or billet.
4.7 Certification. The supplier shall certify, if specified in the contract or order
(see 6.2), that the material is in conformance to 3.2.
4.8 Inspection of packaging. The sampling and inspection of the preservation,
packaging, and container marking shall be in accordance with ASTM D 3951, MIL-
STD-129 and MIL-STD-130 (See 3.4, 3.4.1, and section 5).
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