| ![]() MIL-G-48438A(MU) Reticle switch. - The STG console shall provide a momentary
switch to disengage the reticle data from the STG scoring circuitry.
3.6.6 Audio. - The STG console shall provide a communication link such
that the STG operator and VADS gunner shall have audio contact. Hit tone. - The STG shall provide the operator and the gunner
with a simulated tone.
3.6.7 Built-in test. - The STG console shall provide a built-in capabili-
ty for fault isolation.
3.6.8 Flight paths. - The STG shall provide the capability of dynamically
computing 100 pre-programmed aircraft flight paths.
3.6.9 STG Console/VIG Interface. Target attitude. - The STG console shall provide the VIG
(Visual Image Generator) with six co-ordinated signals indicative of the
attitude of the simulated aircraft target. Size. - The STG console shall provide the VIG with a signal
indicative of target size. +10 Vdc Reference. - The STG console shall provide the VIG
with a +10 VDC reference signal. Target blanking. - The STG shall provide the VIG with a signal
to indicate a smoke/no smoke condition.
3.7 Reliability run-in. - The STG shall be subjected to a 50 hour
run-in period (excluding downtime) which includes the operation at
temperature extremes. The 50 hour run-in period shall start after the
STG has satisfactorily met the performance requirements of this specifica-
tion. The time required to conduct the vibration test shall not be included
as part of the run-in period. The STG shall continuously meet the require-
ment as specified in 4.4.4 for the entire 50 hour run-in period.
3.7.1 Vibration. - The STG shall not be damaged after being sub-
jected to simple harmonic motion for a period of 30 minutes.
3.7.2 Temperature extremes.- The STG shall be capable of operating
without damage for 4 hours at -4F and for 4 hours at 125F.
3.7.3 Failures during reliability run-in.- Replacement of defective
components and correction of workmanship defects may be made during
run-in under the following conditions:
a. Any part, module, component or subassembly that is used
as a replacement shall have previously passed environmental tests
consistent with the reliability run-in environmental requirements of the
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